Peridot x Amethyst

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Amethyst smirked as she quietly came up behind Peridot, whom was currently watching "Camp Pining Hearts"(?). Before Peridot knew it, Amethyst had grabbed the green gem and ran out of the barn. "Cmon Peri! Let's go swimming." Amethyst's face grew grim as Peridot screamed, clinging to the purple gem. "NONONONONONO! PUT ME DOWN!"

Amethyst jumped into the ocean and began howling with laughter, watching Peridot struggle to swim. "Oh come on! You can swim!" Peridot splashed around a bit before latching onto Amethyst. The two gems slowly floated towards shore, with Amethyst underneath Peridot. As the two stopped, Peri looked down, blushing hard at the sight of Amethyst. Her gem was sparkling, her hair was out of her face and was framing it perfectly; and her chest-

Peridot squealed and jumped off, landing with a thud next to purple gem. "Whatcha lookin at, Peri?" The purple gem rolled onto her side, resting her head on her hand and striking a suggestive pose. Peridot could only stare as Amethyst slowly drew closer, brushing her lips to Peri's. "Ya'know Peri, you're pretty cute.."

Amethyst cackled with laughter, turning away from Peri. "Wha...?" Amethyst sat up and wiped her tears. "You're face was hilarious! Aw dude you should've seen it!" Peridot frowned and slowly stood, turning away. Amethyst saw the sadness in her eyes and raced in front of the green gem, grabbing her shoulders. Amethyst brought her lips to Peridot's in a sweet, fiery kiss.

"Sorry about laughing at you. But you really are cute." Peridot's eye's grew wide, a small smile on her face. "You...Really mean that?" Amethyst nodded, smiling. "Hell yea I do!"

Requested by: trashoftrash

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