Jasper x Reader

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Jasper and (Y/n) laughed as they both rolled down the hill, the small human in Jasper's arms. "S-Slow down! I'm gonna get sick!" (Y/n) laughed as (he/she) gripped the large gem's arms.

Once the two got to the bottom of the hill, they shared a passionate kiss before (Y/n) pulled away to sit up. "I love you Jasper." A sweet smile played on (his/her) lips as they watched Jasper's reaction. Her face bore a huge grin, her eyes sparkling. "I love you too, (Y/n)." The human let out a small laugh and got up, grabbing Jasper's hands. The two began dancing; more like just spinning in circles. The pair laughed as they pulled each other around, heading up the hill again. Jasper's gem began to glow as she brought (Y/n) closer, placing a sweet kiss onto (his/her) lips as the two disappeared into a white mass.

The white light faded from the two, leaving a dazed (Y/n) and a slightly saddened Jasper. "It...didn't work." The human looked at the gem confused. "What didn't work?" Jasper sighed softly, hugging the human. "We didn't fuse." (Y/n) stared at Jasper before they snorted and laughed, pushing themselves away from the gem. "What's so funny?" (Y/n) looked up at the large gem and grinned. "I don't wanna fuse with you." Jasper looked hurt, but her expression quickly changed with the look on her beloved humans face and their sweet words:

"Id rather be standing next to you than be standing as you; as a different person."

Requested by: Sufanforlife

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