Chapter twenty-three: The surprise-surprise attack

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Caroline's POV
I got up the next day ready for the surprise attack, but instead I woke up to look directly into amber eyes. And the thing was it wasn't Night. A snarl came out of the hell hounds throat and I jumped. " Attack! Shadow has planned a surprise attack!" I yowled before the hellhound pressed a paw to my throat.

I lashed out with my left back paw.  She yowled. She leaped back and held her face in a paw. She lashed out with a paw. I struck it back with my fangs. She yowled again.

Then I realized that the whole of the guard and more were helping. A paw struck my head and I dizzily felt myself falling. I oofed. It was Shadow. " I'm gonna finish you once and for all lion!" Shadow growled and struck me with his long claws. He scratched my head and dug in very deep. It hurt like watching Chase Davenport almost die.

I think he dug in too deep, because I felt myself slipping away. It felt like I was dying. I probably am dying because I see spirits of cats. Shadow then bent down and sank his fangs into my head. Is he trying to eat my brain?

I heard Janja and Kion yell. They both ran at Shadow at the same time, but Shadow had ran away. Then I felt myself slipping even more. Before I fell, I saw the biggest pool of blood ever. Is that even my blood? I can't tell. All blood looks the same to me. Then I faded away into eternal darkness.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Protectors of the new animal ( 2nd in series)Where stories live. Discover now