Chapter twenty: Journeying back

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Caroline's POV
The whole way back I kept hearing Bunga complaining. " Why do we have to go back! That was fun! We should kill them for real!" And he was like that for five minutes. Dogo was even tired of his stupidness.

We were all ok. For now at least. I was mostly worried for Chase. She got a broken wing from Shadow before we were brought to that evil rock that reminds me of Hercules the movie. And it's definitely not because of Chase Davenport.

Since Chase couldn't fly until we brought her to Rafiki, Bunga carried her. Considering that he was complaining about carrying her, I think he did not want to really.

My paws are starting to get tired by the time the sun begins to dip. And I think I can say so for Night and Beshte. By the time the sun is completely hidden, I feel like my paws could fall off.

And, I think Bunga is a bit tired because he's half dragging Chase. Talk about bad luck and all. We all seem to have the worst of it.

Finally Kion says we should stop. And as soon as he says it, Bunga falls over and starts snoring. And Janja falls over as well, but on top of Ono. Well at least it wasn't me. Then I curl up with Dogo, Jasiri, and Fuli at my side.

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