Part 1

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Yawning, I placed my controller down on the edge of the couch, standing to stretch my back and hearing cracks. The Tv screen illuminates the dark room, but slightly irritates my blue eyes. Rubbing under them with a yawn, I make my way towards the bathroom to use the toilet.

When I finish, I stand in front of the mirror, washing my hands and looking through the window to my left, watching the stars twinkle in the sky.

I really need to fix my sleeping schedule.

Shaking my hands off, I rolled the hair band from my wrist, pulling my brown waves into a messy braid down the centre of my head as I walk back towards my lounge room.

Dropping into the couch, I looked up at my game of GTA V on the screen. Blinking at the bright light, I again closed my eyes, gently resting my head against the side of the couch. Shivering slightly, I curled in a ball, too lazy to get a jumper to cover the black singlet I had on. I'd left my red converse on in attempts to keep my feet warm earlier, and I was grateful I had.

Snuggling into the couch some more, I drifted to sleep.

Blinking into the bright sun, I looked around me. I was in front of a familiar building, near a road, in a busy city.

This is cool, I've never dreamed so vividly before. Is this what a lucid dream is?

Smiling, I walked toward the sounds of cars. A loud explosion sounded in the distance, causing me to jump sideways. Biting my lip, I looked to the direction the sound had come from, cracking my knuckles as a nervous habit.

The sound of feet scratching on the ground behind me made me turn, only to catch sight of a man in a pink polo and white shorts.

My jaw dropped.

That's SilentDroidd, for sure. So, this is GTA? Explains why the hospital was familiar.

Watching him with avid curiosity, I saw a shotgun materialise in his hands. A grin spread across my face as I looked down to my own hands, only to notice my appearance.

I was wearing the same clothes as when I fell asleep. The same black Canterbury tracksuits, the same red Converse.

What caught my attention, was the bulky looking watch on my wrist. Lifting my arm, I studied it, frowning. Should it not feel heavy? There was no weight at all, as if it weren't there. Raising my other hand to it, I gasped as my hand came closer.

A holographic map opened up in front of me, and I'm not sure my blue eyes could get wider. Shifting my hand to the side, a cell phone menu instead came up. My amazement with the technology distracted me, almost causing me to miss Droidd starting to run off.

Dropping my arm, the holograms immediately disappeared, and I took off after him.

Trailing a few metres behind him, I turned the corner he had just turned, only to stumble to a stop as I watched him get run over by a sleek black car. As he started to stand, the car reversed back over him with a loud thud.

Feeling a little sickened, I froze where I was, watching the still body on the ground.

Until it disappeared.

Relief flooded me as I remembered I was in a dream. Game logic says he would respawn, right? And he didn't seem to actually get hurt at all.

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