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Tina didnt sleep well, the hard floor hurting her back and she was uncomfortable sleeping on her side but she did not want to move from Daryl's chest she felt safest with his protective arm around her. Hearing the men stir and emerge from the cars made Daryl wake up, he was sleeping lightly so he couldnt of slept well either. "Lets get up" he whispered helping her to her feet , he helped her dust herself off and smiled weakly at her. "Thanks" she said nervously, after last night it was a bit awkward, neither of them letting eachother go and sleeping like old times when they would sleep in the watch tower or she would sneak into his cell and leave before everyone woke. That all felt like a lifetime ago now.

"Lets head off, catch us some brunch and see where we end up" Joe announced as the men gathered their belongings and headed out followed by Tina and Daryl. "So this man who killed one of yours, you know where he is?" Daryl asked, Tina was anxious for his reaction to the question "nah but we will." Joe replied shooting them a defiant smile before pacing ahead of them "we go tonight" Daryl warned her quietly, Tina was relieved. "We will leave the first chance we get" he added holding her hand to make her catch up with the others.


As the day wore on Tina and Daryl stuck to themselves as the men made racist jokes and sexual remarks about women, Tina heard one of them boast about rape which unsettled her and pissed off Daryl when he overheard too. They had to get away and soon.

As night fell Tina was hoping the men would stop soon so they could get away, her feet ached and she was tired of being on edge, walkers is one thing but these guys were too much. Tina heard Joe yell up ahead as the others caught up aiming their weapons "well well well, we found you! Seems today is the day of reckoning" Joe announced, Daryl held Tina back, it looked like they had found who they were looking for "now!" Daryl yell whispered and ushered Tina to run through the woods as he followed but something caught his eye and made him grab Tina's arm stopping her. Holding her hand he slowly walked towards the men and who they were surrounding, Tina could hear Joe counting down, the other men still in position aiming except one member had Michonne, the other Carl while Joe had a gun to Rick's head. "Wait! Dont do this!" Daryl pleaded coming into the light so Joe and the rest could see him. "Daryl, you are stopping me on 8. Whats the problem?" Joe groaned with an impatient sigh. Daryl stepped forward letting go of Tina's hand "these people, they are good people" Daryl insisted "now our boy Lou would disagree with you there, this bastard here strangled him to death in the bathroom" Joe pointed the gun back at Rick. Holding his hands up Daryl tried to offer them a deal "you want blood, take mine" Joe stopped for a minute as his men looked at him for further instructions. "This is what will happen then, we will rape the girls, then the boy, and then we will kill you and Rick" Joe explained in his calm and creepy way as a man held onto Tina and pinned her over the car while the larger man gripped onto Carl and held him down. Tina screamed for Daryl as the man on her touched her all over, she could see Daryl being tackled down to the ground by Joe as his accomplice held the gun to Rick. Rick head butted the man aiming at him in the crotch causing the gun to go off startling the rest, Rick then took the gun and shot the man and Michonne shot the other man with his own gun who was aiming at her, Tina still trying to force the man off her watched in shock as Daryl grabbed onto Joe and bit his throat, spitting out the skin and blood from his mouth. The man on Tina instantly let go of her and she acted quickly and removed his knife from its holster and stabbed him in the chest while Daryl took a knife from Joe's dying body and tossed it to Rick who stabbed the larger man on Carl. Leaving none of them alive. Tina ran her hands down her face in fear and shock at what had just unfolded as she ran to Michonne and Carl to embrace them "you okay?" Michonne asked her after witnessing what nearly happened "uh huh" Tina cried in response.

Tina sat with Michonne and Carl in the car under orders from Rick. The trio just laying there silent and still, taking in the events. Noticing Michonne and Carl had drifted off to sleep and knowing she couldnt move without waking them she rolled down the window slightly letting in some air but overheard Rick and Daryl talking.

"You were with those men since it fell?" Rick asked Daryl "nah, was me and T for a while, found them one morning and felt safer staying with them than turning down their offer, we made a pact to leave them one night and we were about to and then I saw you guys" Daryl explained, he was mumbling but Tina could hear him. "What you did" Rick began "i would of done the same" he added "i just lost it, when Tina was screaming for me when that bastard had his hands on her i had to do something" Daryl told him, "i have to protect her" he added before Rick interrupted "i know about you two" Rick admitted, Tina shuffled closer to the window to hear better. "Tina told me after Merle, you love her Daryl i get that, you do things like that for the people you love." Rick explained to him "Tina, id do anything for her, i never  stopped loving her" Daryl confided in Rick. Tina smiled in the back seat at hearing him being so honest.

Forbidden ~Book One~ Daryl Dixon~Where stories live. Discover now