twenty two

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Ben ended up getting a bit tipsy and tripped over a cord on the stage during The Final Episode. He passed out after hitting his head and he was rushed to the hospital. Since the show was basically over, the fans left. Ciara was in a state of panic. We couldn't calm her down.

I sat on one of the chairs holding her hand, making sure she didn't lose it and punch someone.

"That idiot. We told him not to get drunk and he fucking does it anyway." Ciara growled.

"He's gonna be fine, Ciara. He's Ben. He has a hard skull." James reassured her.

She sighed and went quiet.

Denis came a couple minutes later with coffee for everyone.

"Any news?" He asked me quietly and took my free hand in his.

I shook my head. It was going to be a rough night.


Hours later, Ben was fine. I couldn't say the same for Ciara. She wanted to strangle him, but couldn't stop crying.

We left the room they had for him to give them privacy.

"Well, I'd say that's a show to remember." Denis chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, but laughed with him.

"So what about that hotel room, now?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Denis Shaforostov. Your pal Benjamin is in the room with a concussion and you want to leave to go to a hotel room?" I asked, putting my hand on my chest dramatically.

"That Benjamin guy is kind of an idiot and yes, I would like to leave." He confirmed.

"Alright, but only after we tell them goodbye." I laughed.

"Fine." He groaned and went back to the waiting room.

He practically ran back to the room, almost knocking a nurse down.

Denis was such a child sometimes. It was really amusing.

"Alright. I'll take care of the idiot. See you two later." Cameron said as soon as I caught up.

"Use protection!" Sam called.

An older couple gave him a disgusted look. I laughed and headed outside to Denis' car.

"The flight home is at two tomorrow. We can stay up all night if we want." Denis grinned.

"In your wildest dreams." I rolled my eyes and got into the car.

"Well, you aren't wrong." He shrugged and started up the vehicle.

"You guys have no filter, do you?" I chuckled.

"Nope. None at all."

"Yeah, I figured."

"Let's go watch movies!"


Denis ended up staying awake until three in the morning. He finally caved and went to sleep two hours after I did. I don't know how he managed to stay awake that late.

Today, we had to fly back to Nevada to clear out my parents' house. Kassidy was still in Ukraine with my grandparents. She would stay there until we figured out what was going to happen with where she was permanently going to live. Denis had invited me to live with him in his apartment in California. I had agreed to it, of course.

The thing that was bugging me is that he refused to let me pay rent or any of the bills. He was convinced that he made enough money for both of us to live comfortably.

FEAR ▷ Denis StoffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang