twenty one

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We got in trouble the next day. Denis and I hadn't woken up in time to get back for soundcheck. No one had any idea where we were and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty amusing when Sam called me flipping out.

We didn't really care. Last night was perfect, as cheesy as it may be. I didn't ever want to move away my boyfriend. Sadly, we had to get up due to the show Denis has to do in a couple hours.

After taking a quick shower, I dressed in a plain black dress. Something I almost never did anymore.

"You look amazing." Denis smiled when he saw me.

"As do you." I smiled back.

"Do we have to go back? I really like it here and we can repeat last night anytime you want." He whined.

"You have one more show and the tour is over, you dork. Go finish the tour strong." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright." He stomped down the hall like a child.

I made sure to grab a key card before we left. All I could think about is how much I loved Denis.


Ben knew something was up the moment we walked onto the bus. He had a stupid grin on his face.

"Don't even start, Benjamin." Denis laughed noticing him.

"Start what?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and went to change. James saw me and started making kissing noises.

"You all are cunts. I suddenly don't know anyone here." I laughed and pushed him.

"Why are we talking about cunts?" Sam asked, popping his head out of the curtain from his bunk.

"Most of your bandmates are." I told him, digging for a shirt to wear.

"You got that right." Sam nodded.

I finally found clothes and I shut the bathroom door to change.

"Hurry up! We're gonna miss soundcheck!" Ben screamed like a child.

"I'll catch up with you guys, just go!" I yelled.

"Bye! I fucking love you!" Denis screeched.

"I love you, too!" I yelled back, laughing.

The bus was silent as everyone was now in the venue for soundcheck. As soon as everyone left, I realized I had never introduced myself to Asking's opening band. They weren't very well known in anyplace besides Minnesota. Of course, this tour had gained then a lot of popularity. I couldn't think of their name on the spot.

I made it my goal to go introduce myself by the end of the day.


Ten minutes had passed before I realized I said I was going to catch up with everyone at soundcheck. I grabbed my phone and ran off the bus, almost knocking down someone who was walking towards the buses.

"Woah!" The guy exclaimed.

"I'm sorry." I laughed awkwardly.

"It's fine." He laughed with me.

The man wore a grey Of Mice & Men tank top and he was huge, height wise.

"My name is Christian. Christian Grey."

I raised my eyebrows, "Are you serious?"

"One hundred percent serious." He chuckled.

"Jesus, I'm sorry. I'm Sofia." I laughed.

"You're Denis' girlfriend, right?" Christian asked.

"That would be me." I nodded.

"It's nice to finally meet you. He talks about you a lot."

My face went pink, "It's nice to meet you, too. Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner. I was dealing with some stuff."

"That's alright. Everyone deals with stuff at some point or another in their life." He nodded.

My phone began to buzz. The caller ID read Sam.

"Well, I should probably get into the venue. I'm being summoned." I smiled.

"Yeah, of course. See you later." Christian smiled and walked past me.

I walked into the venue with a smile on my face. Denis was singing horribly into the microphone.

"Make this idiot stop. It's hurting my ears." Ben whined.

"Shut up, Benjamin. I am such a good singer." Denis frowned and kept going.

"I'm going to throw myself off the stage and hope our fans rip me to pieces." He groaned and sat on an amp.

"Okay, Denis. Now actually do what you're supposed to be doing." Someone yelled, laughing.

Almost immediately, he switched gears and became professional. I went and sat down in the area where in a couple hours, tons of people would be standing.

I watched, mesmerized by how amazing he was at his job. Denis never failed to amaze me with his abilities. He looked like he belonged on a stage.


After they were done, we headed out to a mall. There was only two hours until the show began and we had to be back before then. For anyone else, that would be just fine, but the band tends to get really distracted. Especially when there's an arcade or candy shop.

They really were like children.

"Sofia! Can we get some pretzels?" Denis asked.

"It's your money. Get what you want." I laughed.

"Okay I'll be back with them." He nodded and walked over to the stand.

We had seen a lot of kids with asking shirts on. Denis and Sam had ran up to a group of them and scared the shit out of them. It was kind of funny as they screamed and then got super happy. Other people gave us disapproving looks, but I don't think it bothered any of the guys.

After waiting a good five minutes, Denis returned with seven soft pretzels.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I got one for everyone." He defended himself.

"Sweet! Free food!" Sam exclaimed and took one.

Denis distributed the rest and kept two for himself.

"I could use a beer before the show." James stated.

"Count me in!" Cameron yelled.

"Let's go." Ben nodded.

I rolled my eyes and followed the group of men out of the mall and to the bar down the street.

I just hoped they wouldn't get piss drunk before the last show of the tour. I'd like to think that they were mature enough to know better.

Sorry, but I needed a week away from writing for mental issues. I'm back though!

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