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They put on an amazing performance as usual. The whole crowd seemed so into the music. They jumped around, screamed the words, the whole shebang.

I absolutely loved watching Denis perform. He seemed so happy and alive. It warmed my heart.

After leaving the venue and settling into a couple hotel rooms, I made Denis take a shower. I steered clear of the bathroom until he was done to avoid another bathroom situation. He thought it was hilarious.


Once we had both showered, Denis had turned on some movie and we laid on the bed cuddling. It felt amazing to be back in his arms. I missed it and him a shit ton.

"What're you thinking about, monkey?" Denis poked me.

"I don't know." I mumbled with a smile.

"You know what I'm thinking about?" He hummed.




"-r hair and how good it smells."

"You twat." I laughed.

"That I am, baby, that I am."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"So what're we doing for your day off tomorrow?" I propped myself up on my elbow.

"Uh, I don't know." Denis shrugged, pulling me straight on top of him.

"My mother won't stop asking about you, so please silence her and go see her." I complained.

"I guess we can do that. As long as we get to make another fort in your room and sleep! Touring is really tiring."

"Poor baby." I reached up and ran my fingers through Denis' hair.

"Poor baby indeed." He chuckled and closed his eyes, "Go to sleep, doll."

I shut off the TV and gladly snuggled back into my boyfriend.


"Well are you ready?" I asked for the tenth time.

"You asked me that about two minutes ago, so no I am not." Denis laughed at me.

"Hurry up. I wanna leave." I huffed.

"Why are you in such a rush, Sof?" He turned around and looked at me.

I shrugged, "I just feel like something's off and I want to reassure myself."

"Alright, alright I'm hurrying." He chuckled and finished getting ready.

Denis had to put his suitcase back into the bus because we were going to spend the rest of the day at my house so he didn't exactly need it.

By the time we finally got into the car and started the short journey to my house, it was about two o' clock. We were bouncing around in the car listening to some band that Denis wanted to play. It would've been pretty amusing, except that Denis had almost lost the wheel and crashed the car into a fence post.

"Which one is your street again?"

I pointed at the signs and he turned.

When we arrived at my house, I was greeted with something that I wasn't expecting at all.

My house was crumbling under fire and there were people scattered everywhere. Firemen, Policemen, and other people who I recognized as people who lived on my block.

I jumped out of the car and sprinted to the scene. A fireman caught me and held me back.

"No! This is my house! Where's my family?" I screeched, struggling to get by her.

Denis was right behind me and held me against him.

"Denis I don't see them. Where are they?" I was hysterical.

I whipped my phone out and tried to call both my mother and father. They wouldn't answer no matter how many times I called.

I broke away from Denis and searched around for my parents and Kassidy. My eyes settled on big blue bags. There was two of them and they were fairly large.

I connected the dots and fell to the ground in shock. Everyone stared at me in sorrow.

"K-Kassidy. Where is she?" I mumbled, trying not to break in front of everyone.

"Kassidy is in the ambulance getting checked up on. She doesn't seem to have suffered anything." A fireman told me.

Denis pulled me to my feet and basically carried me over to the ambulance where my sister was getting cleaned up. She had a couple scratches on her face, but other than that looked fine. She was sobbing as they tried to clean her face.

Kassidy took notice of me and pushed away the paramedics, jumping at me. We both lost the energy to stand up and I began sobbing into her.

No one really knew what to do. How would you?


Eventually the fire was put out and a policeman instructed Denis to keep us with him for the next couple days. He said he had no problem with it at all. Very slowly, my yard was cleared and Denis, Kassidy and I were left sitting there not sure what to do next.

I was in shock. I had just lost my parents and they weren't coming back no matter how much I wanted them to.

"How did this god damn fire even start?" I cried more.

Denis had been trying to calm me down for the last 20 minutes but nothing would work. He finally stopped trying to reassure me stuff was going to be okay. He just let me cry into him.

I wasn't an idiot. Everything was not going to be okay.

This is really short but everything has been building up to this. I wrote this while listening to Misadventures and it's so good. Pierce The Veil is my favorite band and I'm so proud of them :)

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