The guard stopped at the center of the block and told me to wait while he went inside a hole in the wall. There was a door that led to what looks like an upstairs apartment. A few minutes later he came out the door and mention me to come inside. I followed the guard up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to the single door. He opened it for me and told me to go inside and I did. This apartment wasn't so big, however the walls were covered with paper. This place is small, but the papers on the wall was a map of the city, there was a handgun and some bottles of water and a small amount of food enough for one person. Then she walked out of the adjoined bathroom and walked right to me. She stopped just a foot before me and introduce yourself. "I'm Lucy and I kind of helped save all of these people from the whatever those things are outside and from themselves" she said. I looked her up and down and judge. I didn't really find anything wrong with the what she gave out I mean she seems to be a genuine kind person trying her best and I understand that. "Hey my name is Jackie and I'm going to leave after school I have people there who can help train you or whatever and are walkie talkie channel is number 2 if you want anyone to talk to". She looked at me and I put it to my neck with a giant TS on it that was forever tattooed on to me.

"Look I know what it's like to be a leader and find a place for your people to live but I think what you got going here it's better for an outpost and not for people to live" I told her. "Well do you got a better idea" she said. "Yes I do and it's few blocks to the west maybe a few blocks north and it's called BMCC campus". She looked at me to see if I was actually telling her about moving everyone with the look she was giving me. "Look I know it's a long shot but that place has seven floors, a cafeteria and gates and you can build watchtowers and have people safe, all we need to do is cleared and check it out and then we send people there a few at a time when you have the time." She was giving me a look that told me she was thinking about what i was saying. "I mean you might have to clear out some of the crap that's in there but it's a lot better than just living on this one block and when you can't accommodate for much more things will get a bit crazy" I told her. She looked at me her eyes are giving her away I can see the indecisiveness but I can also see her ready to trust me. "You don't have to listen to me but even before I was a leader I still helped people even though I didn't know what I was doing, I still helped and learn from everything I was doing and I am still learning now".

She look at me again but this time with a hint of something that I couldn't quite get a read on. Well she was thinking and what I was going through her mind I walked up to the map that was pinned on the wall. I took a marker that was next to it and I drew the four zones of A,B,C and D. I made it identical to the one back at the school. I identify where the school was, I drew the outline walls around the city and the general area where the Staten Island Ferries were. She came up next to me and asked me what I was doing I just told her it's easier to categorize things and to mark where too many of the undead where. I was telling her about how I marking the areas and the black outline zones where too many of the undead were. "Hey why do you keep calling those things that?" "Well that's what they are, I've send a woman died, I tried to save her but then the next thing I know she was biting at someone." I've been here for a few hours now and I told her about where I was when this all went down until the point of me meeting the brothers.

After my talk i give her a walkie talkie and told her what channel to turn it to. To prove that someone would answer I spoke into it."Hey guys its me Jackie, I uh am with a new person and I am going to help her out a bit"I said. Jimmy voice came through yelling at me. "Jackie I swear to god when I see you I am going to skin you alive! I have been worried sick and yes we got into contact with the people you call the seven and the ferries". Then I heard Sally's voice, she was speaking calmly and that scared me. "Jackie when I see you, you already know what I'll do" was all she said. Lucy looked at me and i could tell by the look on her face that she was scared for me. I was beyond scared not because of Jimmy but because of Sally. I turned to Lucy " Yeah so those are my people and they are crazy but mean well"."No they are insane and all types of crazy" she said. I just laugh, it was true but they were where my home was.

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