Chapter 26

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Previously on Secret:

Luke's voice was like a mumble. Everything happened so fast. The red light was red. Cars from the other side started moving and I didn't stopped. I tried to, but it was too late. A big truck smash my car. My car rolled over several times making every window break into pieces, my head hitting everything around me until it stopped

and I blacked out...

I was fighting-fighting for breath and fighting to move. My chest feels like it has thousands pounds on it. Everytime I try to breath, it gets harder and harder by the second. I can't talk, I can't move, I can't open my eyes. My body is completly paralyzed. All I could listen was their conversation, their loud snobs and their harsh cries.

"We don't know how long she'll be in coma. She lost so much blood and her brain needs to stop bleeding, if we don't stop it... she may die." I guess the doctor said.

"Then stop it. Do whatever you can, just please stop it." another voice begged. It sounded so was Luke. His voice sounded tired, sad and like his being crying for hours.

"I'm afraid if we operate her now, she will die in the progress." the doctor said, sadly. Someone heavily sighed. I suppose it was Luke.

Oh, hell no! I need to wake up. I NEED TO WAKE UP. Why can't I wake up!

"We will do everything we can. But I can't promise anything. We will have to wait for a while until she has enough blood on her system to operate her." the doctor said. Luke said 'Thank you', before the door closed. I felt a warm hand on my cheek, knowing it was Luke.

"Hey baby, i'm so sorry fot not telling you earlier. This is all my fault, I know that. But you need to be strong and wake up Madison. Just hold on there beautiful, you can do this" he snob, kissing my left cheek.

As Luke spoke I started seen white. But not the white of death, like people say on movies. Is more like the white of the room I was in. There was Luke, his happy sea blue eyes were now sad puffy red eyes. His hair was all over the place. He had black bags under his eyes and was looking straight into my eyes. Only he wasn't happy...he was still crying. Why is he crying if im awake?

"Luke?" I called, but he just sat like nothing. I sat up hugging Luke, but he didn't returned it. I pulled away looking straight into his eyes. He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking down on my bed. What the hell?

Getting out of bed, I saw what Luke was looking at. It was me. He was looking at my lifeless body in the hospital bed. My body had many bruises, cuts everywhere, my arm broken, wearing a neck brace. Completly pale and weak. Many machines were surrounding me. Every machine was different and made different noises.

Then it hit me. I'm not awake. I'm watching everything that is happening around me. Am I dead? I can't be. What's happening?

"I'm so sorry Mady. I'm really, really sorry" Luke apologized, intertwine his fingers with mine.

"I know we broke up, because of my stupidities, but if I ever lose you... I just want you to know that I love you, i've always had and I would always do" he cried.

Seen Luke like this, breaks my heart into millions of pieces. I've never thought he loved me. We have never said our 'I love you's' I had a boyfriend before Luke. I truly loved him. Time past and he broke my heart and left. He never came back for me...never. So that's why I don't say I love you. It dosen't sound right for me anymore.

The door opened relaving my mom and dad on the other side. My mom with tears down her face, my dad hugging her with sad eyes, trying his best to be strong.

My mom ran to my side, hugging me and crying on the crock of my neck.

"Mom i'm okay. Please stop crying. Im right here" I snob. This was fustrating. I can talk and move and see, but they can't hear or see me.

Few hours has passed and I was now on the operation room. Molly, Valerie, Kate, Zayn, Harry, Michael and Calum are in the waiting room. The girls are crying. Zayn is comforting Luke and the rest are quiet, thinking.

"Okay baby girl, this is all on you. You are the one to make the desition okay. You need to make the right choice. Be strong. You can do this" on of the nurses said as she put some medicine on my body, before the doctor starts the operation.

"But how" I whispered. I don't know what to do. I'm useless and weak right now.

I was loosing to much blood. The doctors (there was more than one) were yelling at the nurses, to look for medicines, some equipment and more.

Then blackness was taking me over and everything was a blur. That's the last thing I remember.
2 hours later...
Suddenly, everything was black, I couldn't move again. But I sure as hell was cold, feeling so alone in the dark.

"We tried everything we could. We can't do anything else. I'm sorry" the doctor continued. "We just have to wait until she wake up, but there's a 90% chance she won't make it."

"NO!" I heard my mom yelled, crying her eyes out.

This is the moment when I see that bright light and the pain goes away. When I think I made my choice...and it was to let go...

Hey guys. Another update. This is so sad and depressing like wtf. Ima cry. Madison can't leave us. Like hell no she can't! Anywyas sorry for the grammatical errors. Im going to check it out later.

Enjoy this chapter.





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