Chapter 23

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Previously on Secret:

"Well, well, well...look what we have here. The one and only Madison James." The voice was so familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. I spun around facing a few feet away a dark figure. He took three steps closer. The light of the moon made it easier to see the strangers face...

Five feet away from me was standing the one and only....

Louis Tomlinson


Why was Louis Tomlinson here and not Luke? Where was Luke? Luke was suppose to be here not him. Okay just breath Madison...breath. Stop jumping into conclusions. You don't know why Louis is here. So maybe he will tell you.

"What are you doing here? Where's Luke?" I whispered the last question to myself. Louis just chuckled, shook his head side by side, slightly as he stepped closer.

"Well I call you to meet you here. Luke I don't know where he is and I don't care.  As long as he is far from here the better" he smirked. What did he meant by that?

"But the one on the phone was Luke, it was him and how do you know him?" I asked curiously.

"You know, for a beautiful girl like you, you're really silly. And haven't your boyfriend talked about us?" he asked. I ignore the boyfriend thing.

"No..." I whispered. What is he talking about?

"Do you know about Luke?" he asked. What about Luke?

I didn't answer.

He smirked. "Well then, I think is time for you to know what is your boyfriend" he walked over the oak tree, leaning his back against it.

"Okay so, I called you to make a deal. His gang are called 'The Red Hoods' that is the leader Zayn, then Luke, Harry, Calum and Michael. Oh! And the girls of course your best friends Molly, Valerie and Kate. They have something that belongs to me and they haven't give it back. Another thing is Luke did something to me and it's one of the reasons you are here. I want to destroy his life by only hurting the one thing he loves and cares...." he looked up the sky and then at me. "And that's you...By kidnapping you he will do anything and will give me anything I want. But I need to play this smart. I use to hang out alot with Zayn, so he knows my tricks. But my gang 'The Reds' have being training a lot and know we are powerful than any gang and we have a plan where Zayn won't even see it coming, actually nobody will see it coming. If the plan dosen't work I will have to kill you. Of course don't blame yourself, it's Luke's and his gang fault."

Okay what the hell was happening here? Im so fucking confuse. I tried paying attention to what was he saying.

"But how did you made that phone call sound like Luke?" I asked. He smirked at me and push himslef of the oak tree walking towards me.

"I hacked into your phone. Found some calls of Luke and you and made a phone call conversation by my own. The only way to get you here was texting you by an unkwon number and to make you believe I was Luke, I called you." he smirked wider, proud of himself.

This was to much. My friends, my ex- boyfriend and my ex- boyfriends friends are in a gang. Do they kill people? I mean I guess they do because thats what people do when they are in a gang. Omg they are serial killers. I've being hagging with killers! That explains everything. The kidnap by Jade and Louis...he is L.T. Why didn't I see this before?! When Jade mentioned Luke, when I heard Lukes voice. He was there when I passed out. Everything made sence now. Or maybe this is all a lie and Louis is making everything up.

"Luke and my friends are not serial killers...they can't be" I said more to myself.

"Oh but they are. You see Luke has killed friends of mine and someone really important to me. Plus him and your friends have killed innocent people. People that didnt knew what was happening." he informed.

Tears were streaming down my face. "This is not true. This is a lie. You are a liar" I shook my head. Louis reached for his phone, that was in his pocked of his jeans.

"Well then lets find out who is the real liar here" The phone rang 3 times before a voice spoke.


'Hey Luke. Remember me L.T. I bet you do, because I was the one who made my gang kidnap your girlfriend or may I say ex- girlfriend.' he chuckled.

'What do you want?' I could tell he was annoyed.

'Well I want you to tell a friend of mine what you and that gang of yours truely do. Isn't that right Madison?' he smirked. More tears fell from my eyes.

Silence took over. 'What did you just said?'

'Madison James is here with me and I want you-' Luke cut him off.


'Calm down down. Im not going to do anything...yet. If you give me what I wan't she will be free, if not she's dead.' he hanged up. Not waiting for any respond.

"Guys take her. 'The Red Hoods' may be tracking us right now" he said walking away. Next thing I know, two men where walking towards me...

Hey guys. How's everything? I published a new book called 'Summer love?' if you want check it out. It will mean alot to me. Hope you like it too. Anywyas I will check my grammatical errors later. Love you guys❤

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