Chapter 12

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(Luke's POV)
Liam whispered something to Mady, she nodded and he left.

"Mady, I know I promised you that I was going to be here but I-" she interrupted me.

"No! Just don't apologize. I'm sick of it!" she raised her voice for the first time. She has never in her life raised her voice like she did right now. She was the loving, happy, sweet person that I fell in love with. Did I said in love? Well yes i'm in love with her. But right now she is another person. She is not my Mady.

"Luke all I ask you to do is to go here with me, but you don't even bother to go. I'm tired of everything. The apologies, the secrets, the lies-" I cut her off.

"Secrets? Lies?" I asked.

"Yes Luke lies. Like when you told me this morning that you were all these days with your mom because she didn't feel good. She came over to my house last night and she told me what she did all these days. She was fine." She said tears running down her face.

"Okay then maybe I wasnt with her... But I wasn't cheating on you. If you are thinking that I was." I sighed pulling the ends of my hair.

"Then where?!" she yelled.

"I have told you that I can't tell you! Why the fuck don't you get that?!" I yelled at her causing her to jump.

"You are always bitching about it. If I tell you that I can't tell you where I was then should stop fucking asking me!" I shout.

"Then why the fuck don't you tell me the truth and I will stop fucking asking!" she yelled louder.

"Ugh you are just a fucking bitch that doesn't understand anything" I yelled making her jump. More tears started to fall from her eyes, making me realize what I just said.

"Mady...I'm- i'm sorry" I said trying to hold her hand.

"No! Don't you dare touch me" she yelled backing away.

"Luke we are over" she whispered. "Don't call me, don't text and don't try to even show up in my house" she said walking away.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I realize that I may just lost her for ever.
Hey guys I made another update.
Hope you like it
Luke is such an asshole. Why would he call Madison a bitch.

Secrets //Luke Hemmings//Where stories live. Discover now