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I woke the second time and Luke was still asleep. I wiggled out of his embrace and made my way to the kitchen.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as the apartment was freezing. My hand ran right into the money from yesterday. I groaned.

I walked back out to the main room and took off the jacket before stuffing it into Luke's dresser with the money inside. That should do it.

I walked back to the kitchen and made myself waffles in the toaster and proceeded to eat them when they were done.


It's been an hour and I have showered, dressed, ate and Luke still wasn't up. Was he okay? I felt worry inch up my spine and I quickly ran over to his bed. I rolled him onto his back and sighed in relief when I saw he was breathing. I shook him gently. What if something happened?!

I shook him more urgently, tears welling in my eyes as he was unresponsive. I fell onto the bed and curled into his side, crying silently into his limp body. Don't be gone, please don't be gone!

"Luke!?" I took his head in my hands. I held my ear just barely above his mouth and let out a yelp when his breathing was shallow.

I jumped off the bed and sprinted into the kitchen. I filled a glass and ran back out and poured it on his face, avoiding his mouth. He woke up with a huge intake of breath. "Michael what the fuck?!" He yelled, wiping some of the water from his face.

My Omega flinched at his voice. I felt stupid. He was breathing? Why was I worried in the first place?!

"Michael were you crying?" Luke asked, he sounded aware and guilty. He got up from the bed and walked closer to me. I stepped back, afraid I'd angered him and ran right into a wall. Luke stepped forward until he was right in front of me. "Michael I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." He whispered, his hand cupping my cheek as his thumb brushed away the tears on my face.

You weren't responsive and hardly breathing I j- I felt Luke nuzzle into my neck, the marked side.

"Don't explain to me Michael." Luke replied. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

You don't have to apologize, it's my fault. I thought and he tensed.

"Nothing is your fault Michael. You've done nothing wrong, don't you dare apologize." Luke littered kisses up and down my neck all the way to my shoulder. I shivered at the feeling, goosebumps following like a trail after his lips, everywhere he touched. "Where is the Irish one?" Luke asked, well growled was more like.

"Le-Left to his Alpha. W-Won't be back tonight." I whimpered out.

"Good." Luke said seriously, though his eyes contained humor. "I already miss it being just you and I." He continued, his eye brows raising in humor. "Hearing his thoughts and smelling his emotions is exhausting."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't feel connected to him, I'm not drawn to him, his scent does nothing to my Alpha, therefore hearing his thoughts is almost annoying. He is always thinking, playing with me as he fills my head with thoughts of things I'd wish not to picture in my mind. And his scent is not appeasing to me like yours is." Luke pouted, he actually pouted.

"I thought you said you were drawn to me because I was a Male Omega."

"I lied." Luke said guiltily. "Well not at first. I thought that's what it was because you were the first person my Alpha craved. The first person I've ever been drawn to and you were the first Male Omega I'd ever met who wasn't my father."

The blue eyed AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now