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Three days until Ash and Cal are coming. I was so excited but scared at the same time.

The days are getting longer and bullying curler. One reason why I'm glad my Alphan friends are coming.

"Michael!" Mr. Bloke? Mr. Block? Whatever his name was yelled my name. I flinched.

"Yessir?" I asked quietly. I could feel his Alpha voice strangling me.

"We need an Omega body as a demonstration, please come here." His Alphan voice demanded which left me with no choice. I physically couldn't disobey.

I stood and walked as the class snickered at me. When I got to the front the teachers hands rested at the small of my back, too close to my bum for comfort.

"Now you see, Omegas tend to have wider hips than other ranks. He stood behind me, his hands running down my side and slowly going over my hips.

I felt uncomfortable and made it known as I squirmed away from his touch. He growled and continued on his way.

I felt tears prickle my eyes as the class watched in amusement. I bowed my head.

I heard the door open but the teacher didn't stop.

"What's going on here!?" It couldn't be! I turned and made eye contact with Ashton. He growled deeply and half the class submitted, including me.

"Let go of him!" Calum growled, stepping in front of Ashton when he saw my tears.

"Oh, you two weren't expected for a while. You have no right over t-"

"Oh we do." Ashton hissed stepped forward. I struggled out of the teachers grasp and fell right into Ashton's open arms. He wrapped them around me protectively. "Don't ever touch my Omega again." Ashton growled and I swear the entire room gasped. "Our Omega." Ashton corrected when Calum pulled my hand into his.

I didn't correct them. Afraid of how everyone would touch me if I wasn't claimed.

Ashton and Calum pulled me to the back of the room and pushed two desks together. Ashton sat down, pulling me onto his lap. Calum sat next to him, glaring at the teacher with a rage I'd never seen before.

The teacher continued class, not daring to look my way. No one did. Hold a few Alphas and maybe a Beta or two.

"Hey Mikey." Ashton finally greeted me, smiling that smile that has me melting. His dimples made an appearance.

"H-Hey." I said with a shaky voice.

"We'll talk later okay?" Calum's hand ran up and down my back in a comforting manner. I nodded and laid my head on Ashton's chest.

He and Calum were taller than I remember. They toward over me.

And they had more muscle than the cameras could show. I could feel Ashton and Calum watching me closely.

I snuggled further into Ashton's chest.


It was like Calum and Ashton became more possessive and protective as the day progressed. During lunch a Beta girl was flirting with me, and I knew her Alpha bet her to.

The problem was that Ash and Cal didn't know it was a bet and almost ripped her throat out. Which caused her Alpha to get involved. It was more than awkward when the three tried to show ultimate dominance.

The other Alpha submitted to Calum after a few minutes, which filled Calum with Alphan pride, as if his ego wasn't big enough.

And by the end of the day more than half of the Omegas and a bunch of Betas were pinning after Ash and Cal, which really messed with me and both the Alphas knew it.

The blue eyed AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now