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Of course my parents would move us all the way to Sydney in the middle of the school year! Why couldn't she just wait until the end of the year? Why was I even stupid enough to tell her I was being bullied? I have moved through almost all the towns/cities in Australia and a lot of the schools! To get away from bullying! That's it, I am not going to tell her anything.

Of all the genders I could have been I HAD TO BE A MALE AND A OMEGA! There is a reason only a few are known to existence, no one likes us. We were killed, mostly by female Omegas and Beta but that is only because a fit Alpha cannot hurt an Omega unless their mate is threatened.

Maybe I should pretend to be a Beta, I could get suppressants to stop my heats and sent neutralizers to mask my sent!!..... Only I would have to convince my Alpha father to buy them for me. I mean he loves me and all but he really wants me to embrace my secondary gender; Omega. And the fact that it would cost about $1,000 a month to always have suppressants and sent neutralizers at my ready.

I mean my father makes a lot..... A LOT. But I always feel guilty when using his money or asking for it, he always has this proud smile on his face when I do and it makes it so much worse.... Like I'm using him and I'm not, I love my father.

Him and my mum are always pushing me to be social and if it cost money so be it, always setting up hangout with other people who end up being disgusted with me because of my genders. I've grown used to it and it doesn't bother me anymore but it tears my parents apart to see me so..... alone. I used to have friends.... A lot actually. I was as what people would call popular. Then I presented as an Omega.... everyone had always thought I would have at least presented as a Beta, my parents as well. But I didn't and that night my father drove us to a house he had bought..... No one in my old school ever found out, I left before I could even say goodbye..... I miss them....

My closets friends were Calum and Ashton, both presented as Alpha a year before I presented as Omega. I would love to know if they had mated or bonded but I would never know.... I lost contact the night of my first heat. My father deleted all social media, threw out my phone and got me a new number. Changed my entire life.... Hopefully I meet them again someday.... I know I won't because what would any Alpha want with me? I'm a male Omega. Hate amongst all society.


"Michael! Honey get up! We are here," my mum's voice rang and pulled me out of my slumber, I sat up, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes and looked out my window to see the huge house that stood three stories tall. It was elegant and beautiful. My father pulled into the driveway and smiled at me before dragging my mum's stuff and heading into the new house. I opened my door and stepped out and shivered at the cool air. I pulled my two suitcases out of the car and rolled them up tot the house. The inside was light and seemed to be glowing.

I sighed when I realized I was going to be starting school the next day, thankfully it wasn't a uniformed school. I walked over to the stairs and tilted my head back and looked up and three story spiral staircase. I carried my cases up to the top floor and rolled them to the only room on the floor. I opened it and it was huge. Two walk in closets, a plasma TV about 67" and three or four dressers lined up on one wall. A bed lay in the corner, silk sheets fit snugly and a night stand on the right side. I set my suitcases down on my bed and pulled out all the shirts.

I hung up everything, tee-shirts, long sleeves and tank-tops and it only filled up 1/4 of only one of the closets. I set all my skinny jeans in on dresser and again it only took up about half of it. I sighed and put all my boxers and briefs in the top drawer of the half full dresser.

After three grueling hours all my posters had been hung up. My father and I brought a computer desk into my room and against the bare wall connected to the door. I put my laptop on the desk and my phone as well.

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