The Rockbells

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Hey GUYS!!! OMG I REACHED 2K READS I AM SOOOO HAPPYYYY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! For reading my fanfic <3 :) I am glad you are liking my story and my fictional character Lillian :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy with summer and trips and packing for Disney :) but I will try and upload another chapter before I leave for Disney :D Thank you guys vote for my book!!!!  Also I have a YoutubeChannel if you want to check it out, LunaLucia subscribe :D

Lillian's POV

 I was going to see Ed get his arm placed in and Winry commented to me it was something I wouldn't want to miss. 

"And now the moment you've been waiting for, docking time!" Winry said with such joy.

"Yeah right, connecting to each of my nerves. I can't get enough." Ed said complaining.

"Don't complain, you baby. You wanna hurry and get back to Central, don't you?" Pinako said to Ed.

"You've got that part right. This is just more motivation. I can't wait till I get my body back to pure-grade flesh and bone." Ed said, the look on Winry's face after she head Ed's comment.

"Well, that's going to be a real disappointment for us. We make a killing off you." Pinako informed Ed.

"Seriously, Ed, why go to all this trouble just for human limbs? You've got the smell of oil, the creak of synthetic muscles, the hum of spinning bearings. Who needs natural when you've got auto-mail?" Winry commented, she was really into this.

"Loser machine junkie." Ed shouted at Winry.

"Alchemy freak!" Winry shouted at Ed.

"Okay, we're ready. One..." Pinako started counting down and I payed close attention.

"Two...Three!" Winry and Pinako said as they placed Ed's arm.

"You two, get up! We're going to lay him down right there. We could use some help." Pinako shouted. Armstrong helped Ed onto the couch, he must be in extreme pain by his facial expression. I walked over to Armstrong and Pinako who were sitting at the table and I over heard their conversation. 

"I had no idea attaching auto-mail was so painful." Armstrong commented. 

"I've seen it make the most hardened war heroes scream like children. It's no small matter." Pinako explained, I made my way to check on Ed but Winry was next to him. I couldn't help but admirer how an adorable couple they would be together. 

"Well? What do you think about the changed designs, Ed? I tried to make the steel eighty percent lighter than the last go-around. After all, we can't have it weighing you down so much you never grow any taller." Winry made a smart remark to Ed. 

"That's got to be illegal." Ed said

"Making fun of somebody's height when they're in pain like this." He sneaked the comment in.

"Look at you. You've already got enough energy to argue. You'll be fine. Seriously, now. The lighter weight should make you faster. But that means it's easier to break, too, so don't be reckless. You can replace auto-mail, but you've only got one life." Winry explained.

"Right." Ed said.

"That's the first all-nighter I've pulled in a while. I'm beat."  Winry said.

"Really, Winry. thanks." Ed said. 

"Don't thank me for the rush. I'm charging you a fortune." Winry said to Ed. I headed outside with Al as we waited for Ed to walk outside and fix Al's armor. 

"How do I look?" I heard Ed's voice, I turned around and he was making his way towards us.

"How do you feel? That's the question." Al asked. 

Fullmetal Alchemist : The Blazing Alchemist (#Wattys2016)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt