Chapter 15 - Youswell

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HEY GUYS! Thank you for the support and reads and votes you have given my fan fiction I really appreciate it. I hope you are enjoying the story as much I enjoy writing it and trying to keep it as close to the anime as possible. Sorry for not posting in a long while. Just wanted to wait till I got more views and know if people are enjoying the story and I am very happy. Thank you :) for reading my fan fiction

Lillian Hughes

"It feels like we've got our own private car, huh? I like traveling by train. You can just sit and watch the world go by out..." Al said to Ed.

"Al. I have to do this now that the state has me on leash, but there's no reason you should suffer, too." Ed said to Al.

"We're brothers. If we don't help each other, no one will. Your lines, remember?" Al reminded Ed.

"You're right." Ed said as he looked at Al.

"Al wants to go wherever you go Ed. He certainly doesn't want you to go alone on this journey." I commented. Ed looked at me and then looked at Al and smiled.

"Look! I think I can see it!" Al shouted.

"So that's the last town to the east. Youswell." Ed said as he looked out the window.

"Huh. It's supposed to be a coal-mining town, but it looks more like a ghost town to me." Ed commented about the town as he looked around.

"Everyone here looks so worn down." Al commented as well.

"Looks like they've been working overtime." I said as I looked at all the workers.

"It doesn't look like there's gonna be much to do here. Let's hurry and finish so we can blow this..." Ex said as he grabbed his bag and got hit in the head with a long piece of wood.

"Sorry. Wait, are you guys tourists? Where are you from? Have you eaten? Where are you staying?" The young boy in the white questioned us.

"Hell of a welcoming committee." Ed said as he rubbed his head from the whack he received.

"Pop! We got visitors!" The young boy shouted.

"What are you going on about?" A man shouted from the top of a work area that was fenced off.

"Over here! Big spenders!" The boy shouted.

"Big spenders?" Al questioned.

"Well, hey! My name is Halling. I run the local inn. We'll take good care of you! " the boys father shouted.

"So, what do you think? I know it's not much, but since the coal mine's wages are so low, at least with this place I can keep two irons in the fire." The boys father named Halling commented to us.

"Now that'll be a room for two for one night? " she asked Ed and Al.

"And what are your rates?" Ed asked.

"Well they ain't cheap." Halling said.

"I'm sure we can cope. Despite our appearances, we've got plenty of cash." Ed said.

"Two hundred thousand." Halling said to Ed and Al, their jaw dropped from the expensive price.

"What!? Two hundred thousand? That's ridiculous! You're gonna put gold bars on our pillows?" Ed shouted questioned Halling.

"It's a fair price, seeing how ours is the finest inn in all of Youswell." Halling said.

"Not to mention that it's the only one." His son Kyle stepped in to comment.

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