Fullmetal Vs. Flame

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Heyy guys here is another episode of FMA: The Blazing Alchemist! Enjoy :)

Lillian's POV

 We stood at the gates of East command in the pouring rain waiting for Edward to go in. 

"Well, we're here." Ed said as he moped at the gate entrance.

"Can we go in we have been standing here for ten minutes," I said as I pushed my wet crimson red hair back. 

"What's the matter?" Alphonse asked Edward. 

"What do you think is the matter? Once again I'll have to listen to Colonel Sarcasm. Tell me how I screwed up, 'Struck out on the Philosopher's Stone again, huh? How am I supposed to keep funding this goose-chase? Money doesn't grow on trees there, chief. Ed? Where'd you run off to? Oh wait, there you are! I couldn't see you there behind my paperwork, seeing as how you're so short and all.' 
I know. We're already here so I might as well get the verbal abuse over with. Let's go. Guys? Hey guys? Lillian! Al!" I over heard Ed talk about as me and Al looked at the adorable kitten that was in the brown box. Alphonse quickly removed his chest plate and placed the kitten in so he would be safe and sound. 

"Coming!" We both shouted in sync. We rushed to Ed's side and he looked at us funny.

"What are you up to?" Ed asked. We then heard someone scream.

"What was that?" Edward asked us, we headed inside to see what was going on.

"Let's see what is going on." I said as I opened the door and we poked our heads in and we saw Hawkeye, Havoc, Fuery, Falman, and Breda.

"So, uh... Should I come back later?" Ed asked.

"Hey Lillian,Edward and Alphonse! I guess this means you're back." Hawkeye welcomed us, soon the cat meowed and she stared at us and commented, "Strange."

"Excuse me. Lily, Al and I need to talk." Ed said as he glared at us and pulled us out the door.

"Edward, I believe you have a report to make." Hawkeye reminded Ed.

"Thanks for the reminder, sir, I'll speak with the Colonel now. " Ed informed her as we walked out into the hall and Ed looked out us. Al removed his chest plate and there was the kitten.

"Al, be rational. We don't have the means to care for it. You can't just go picking up any stray you see." Ed commented to Al, knowing it was his doing.

"It's not any stray. He called to me. He's wet, and hungry. Can't we keep him? Lillian please convince him!" Al said.

"Ed -" he quickly cut me off.

"No, Al! Now go put it back where you found it!" Ed ordered Alphonse.

"Jerk! I hate you, brother! You're not even human!" Alphonse shouted to Ed as he started to runaway crying. Ed forgets sometimes his brother is still just a kid at heart and at times in mind. Sadly, I had to let that part go, just like Edward. Sure it is there every once in a while but not like Alphonse.

"Come on, Al, don't run. Think of the kitten." I heard Ed shout at Al.

"I know! I am! I'm the only one who is!" Al explained to Ed as he continued to cry. I walked into Mustangs office while Ed controlled Al in the mean time. 

"You know the shrimp is being a nerve wreck right now, I swear you like picking on him don't you?" I asked Mustang and he smirked.

"Very true Lillian, you are easy to work with. You follow orders but at times you do defy but know how to explain you reasoning very well." Mustang explained.

"I only act the part of obedience, I go by my own rules. Traveling with the Elric's was a good decision, my family worked and knew many who had experiments on trying to create a Philosopher stone and hopefully it will bring me close to my parent's murderer." I explained to Mustang, soon enough Ed walked in.

Fullmetal Alchemist : The Blazing Alchemist (#Wattys2016)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat