Chapter 6 - Visiting the Lt.Colonel Mustang

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Lillian Hughes

I rode on the train making my way to Mustang in East Headquarters. I walked through East Headquarters and stormed into Mustangs office.

"Hello Lieutenant Colonel Mustang!" I said as I kicked the door open.

"You have to make a big entrance don't you?" He asked.

"Only to you cause it's fun seeing the reaction on your face. Anyway I'm staying here for a while and thought it'd be a good idea to come and visit you for questions and help on fire Alchemy." I said.

"Lillian I'm actually leaving East Headquarters in a few days then heading to Central." Mustang said.

"Guess I will just head back with you, I need answers for a few questions that have come up during my investigation." I said.

"Is that so, then get on with it." He said.

"Do you know anything about a philosopher's stone? I read that they can create a homunculus when it comes to human transmutation." I asked as I put both my hands flat on his desk waiting for an answer.

"Sorry, I have heard of it but the philosopher's stone is a myth and if it was real every Alchemist would be at war for a powerful stone." He said.

"I need to find answers because that homunculi had to be made with a philosopher's stone." I said as my fingers came into my palms and I clenched them making them into a fist.

"Just keep searching for more answers in the meantime, maybe I can find you someone to help you." Mustang said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, go explore town or something for now. In three days we leave to central." He said.

"Okay! I'll be back later then!" I said with a huge smile on my face that I went around his desk and hugged him. I knew how much that awkard him out, he wasn't much the sentimental type. I left headquarters and figured I'd go shopping for something for mom and dad. I should get something for the baby as well!

Roy Mustang

" I saw Lillian exiting Headquarters, I thought she was at Central with Hughes?" Hawkeye asked.

" She came to ask a few questions on the Philosopher's stone." I answered

"So she is heading back?" She asked.

"Why are you avoiding her so much Hawkeye. She is your niece, plus she's going with us to Central." I said with a smirk.

" Its not that I try to avoid her, it is just she is my sister's daughter. I never got along with Evelyn, she took on Alchemy like my father. She was my little sister who left before my father's death. Just seeing Lillian knowing she's her daughter, brings back memories. I just need time, I know my sister was killed but I didn't know what happened or became of her after she left, only that she was a State Alchemist." She explained.

"You should get to know her, especially since she knows you're her mother's sister Hawkeye." I said to Hawkeye as her eyes widened.

"What? She knows? Why hasn't she said anything then?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know, but she told me that she knew you are her aunt. She could tell you weren't ready to talk to her so she would give you time." I explained as I grabbed my hat.

" I see, the only time I ever talked to her was during her training. Afterwards at the end Hughes informed me that she was my sister's daughter, I've been distance since. But thanks Roy, I needed the talk." She said as she gave me a look of gratitude.

"Come on let's get some lunch, we could use it." I said as we walked out.

We went to a nice restaurant and ordered I sat there and pondered.

"What's wrong Roy?" Riza asked.

"I am thinking about pairing up the Elric Brothers with Lillian. They both are connected in a way. The boys attempted human transmutation and Lillian is looking for answers on it. So maybe they could help each other out." I explained to Riza.

"If you believe that's the best plan then it's only up to Edward to pass the state Alchemist Exam." Riza said.

"Yes. I know how to get the General to consider the Elrics. We need to leave for central tomorrow, I believe the General is traveling with his family to Central the day after tomorrow, we will put Lillian on that train along with the Elric brothers. I have a feeling someone will be making that train a target" I said. When the food arrived we ate and headed back to Headquarters to find Lillian sitting at my desk.

"I thought you'd be at a hotel right now." I said as I stared at her giving her a serious look.

"I figured I stop by here before I headed to my hotel. It's fun seeing you get mad and frustrated plus I'm still waiting on you teaching me more on flame Alchemy." I said as I took my feet off from his desk and stood up.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Central and I would like for you to take the day after tomorrow's train. It is very important that you do and when you get to Central I will explain." I said to Lillian.

"Why do I feel like this is some type of scheme of yours to get out of your promise of teaching me more flame Alchemy." She said as she gave a serious look.

"Lillian, Mustang will teach you when he can. But right now he needs you to do as he says." Riza spoke up and asked of Lillian to listen.

"Okay, I will take the train the day after. I'll just shop more in the mean time!" She said with a smile on her face. She walked around us and turned around and waved goodbye and left Headquarters.

"We should get to packing." Riza said, I nodded.

Lillian Hughes

I wonder why he doesn't want me to go with them. I can't argue with them, they are my superiors. I hope father loves these new throwing knives I got for him. As for mother I hope she loves these new sweaters and I hope the baby fits in the clothes i got for him or her. I pulled the covers and dozed off into sleep. When morning came I just packed everything into my suitcase and sat in the hotel room. I took out a book and began to read. I put it down and clapped my hands and touched the ground. A small wooden shaped cat figure rose up from the floor. Looks like I've improved since I was little. It always came out horrible either with a crooked ear or no face. But this one came out good. When I checked my watch it was only 7pm. I haven't ate anything but I'm not really hungry. I changed out of my clothes and took a bath and then headed to sleep. I need to wake up early to catch the train.

Edward Elric

"Al, you're okay with this, right?
I mean leaving everything behind.
You don't have regrets do you?" I asked Alphonse as I looked at him in his metal suit of armor.

"There's no turning back now.
And remember, I'm the one who insisted on coming with you.
Besides, we both know you'll miss home more than I will." Al responded.

"Good riddance! That's what I say.
'Cause ya know who's on his way to becoming a State Alchemist? Me! " I said with determination.

"Me too. And when I become a State Alchemist, the first thing I'll do is fix your body. " Alphonse said, this is mainly my responsibility.

"I told you Al, that's not your burden.
You just have to take care of yourself." I said to him, you've lost so much Al. There's no need to take any burden.

"I wonder how one goes about becoming a State Alchemist.
Do you think we'll have to take a test?" Alphonse asked me, I never thought about it being an actual test. I recalled the night Mustang showed up at Pinokos house and what he said;

"Whatever it was, I'm happy I came. If these boys can try human alchemy and survive.
I've gotta tell you their dad just dropped a wrung on my priority list."

"Whatever it takes, I'm sure Mustang Will guide us through it. What am I stressing for, Al, with talent like mine. This'll be a cakewalk for me. What? Are you thinking about Winry?" I said to Alphonse he looked at me but then his face turned away. I will fix this I promise.

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