Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Sweat ran down my forehead, I was panting hard, and my lungs burned as I inhaled and exhaled painfully.


I looked to my left and then my right. We were down to our last ten seconds and were losing by two. I needed to make the 3 pointer shot. I had one chance, this was my opportunity, and I had to take it. I briefly looked to Coach who was yelling at me to shoot. I nodded, spun and bounced the ball twice and then stopped and aimed for the basket. I tossed the ball and froze, staring as the ball moved, seemingly in slow motion; I could vaguely hear the crowd counting down as the ball moved slowly forward.

"Four, three, two!"

The buzzer sounded and mere moments later the ball was in the basket. It dropped to the wooden floor, but the noise it would've made was drowned out by the crowd erupting into cheers.

"YES!" I screamed in triumph as I raised my arms and looked to the ceiling.

My team members ran to me and jumped on me and hugged me. I was surrounded by the musky, sweaty bodies of my whole team, but I didn't care. We'd just won and now we were going to the grand final where there'd be a scout watching us play, watching me play.

"Liam!" I heard someone squeal.

I knew that voice. The boys set me down and I ran towards her, my girlfriend. I picked her up in my arms and spun her around in my arms. She smelt so good. I looked into her hazel eyes and kissed her sweetly.

"You did it! That was amazing!" she said happily, her face glowing with pride and joy.

"God, I love you," I told her.

She kissed me tenderly and held on to me.

"Liam man, that was a fucking brilliant shot!" someone said as they clapped me on the back.

Ruby and I broke apart and I turned to him.

"Thanks man."

"Good game Payne!" someone called.

I grinned but kept doing what I was doing as I replied, "Thanks man."

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist and then walked to the showers. I stepped into the steamy room and was greeted with cheers.

"Here he is! The man of the match!" yelled Niall in his Irish accent.

I looked up at him and grinned as he messed his blonde hair up under the shower.

"Thanks Nialler," I replied as I ran the shower beside Zayn.

The showers were split up into rows of three and each shower had walls of bricks up to our shoulders on all sides except the back.

"How are ya feeling bro?" Zayn asked.

I turned to him, only able to see just below his tanned broad shoulders. His brown hair was a mess as he tried to fix it up.

"I'm fine, I think I'm still running on adrenaline, I can feel it, I'm hyped up like I'm ready for anything," I replied.

They all laughed.

"Trust me man, that'll pass," Harry, our captain, told me with a dimple filled smile.

"Oh, I don't know. It's pretty strong," I replied with a grin.

He chuckled lightly and shook his wet curls out spraying us with droplets of water.

"Oh come on curls! I am trying to condition here," Louis protested as he wiped the soapy suds away from his blue eyes.

"Aw, is poor Boo Bear upset that his half hour long shower is being interrupted?" Zayn teased.

Only his mother called him Boo Bear. He adored his mother, but being called that in public? Embarrassing.

"Shut it Malik," Louis retorted with an annoyed look crossing his tanned features.

"Easy lads," Harry warned humoured.

"Hey, uh H-harry? Mr Styles?" someone asked.

We all turned to the door to see a shy junior standing awkwardly at the door.

"It's Harry and yes?"

"Th-there's a girl here, she wants to--" the boy was cut off as someone shoved past him into the room.

Molly stood angrily, arms crossed over her chest and her blue eyes blazing.

"Harry Styles! You promised! You could've at least let me know that you were going to be longer than ten minutes! This is the fifth time!" she said angrily.

"PMS," Louis singsonged quietly. She didn't hear him and as she stood staring at Harry, I realised that if her attention shifted she could see me, all of me.

"Uh Molly..." I began trying to cover myself from her.

She turned to me, eyes blazing, "What?!"

"Never mind," I said quickly.

Probably not my brightest idea.

"Mo I am so sorry, I know you have to be home soon, I know, I'm sorry," Harry told her.

He stepped out of his shower and walked towards her. She glanced down at his bare body and then averted her eyes. She reached out and grabbed a towel from the junior boy and shoved it against Harry's chest.

"I'm sorry Mo-Mo," Harry said softly. He gently touched her face and she sighed.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for being so demanding, it's just my Mum, she got really mad last time," she said.

"I know, I promise I'll be ready in five," he said.

She nodded and then kissed his cheek before walking back out.

"I'm sorry Mo-Mo," Zayn mocked.

Harry scowled at him, "So, Zayn, how's that chick you're interested in? Ya know the geek chick."

Zayn blushed furiously, "Hey she's a hot geek okay, and she's a really cool girl."

"Uh Zayn, you realise that someone can't be a geek and cool, right?" Louis said.

"Yes they can, besides she's not a geek, she's just learning all of this for her career, she wants to be a DJ."

"You're making no fucking sense Malik," Harry said as he pulled on his shirt.

"Well you know what they say, crazy in love," Louis teased.

Zayn threw his soap at Louis. Louis just managed to duck out of the way and it landed with a thud against the floor.

"Anyway guys, I'd love to stay and chat but my girlfriend's waiting," Harry announced and then he left.

"Hey speaking of girlfriend's, where's yours?" Louis asked Niall and I.

"They were here for the game, I saw Ruby after the game--"

"Yeah the whole school saw," Zayn teased.

"And she said that she and Melanie were going to get us some celebratory frozen cokes and burgers from McDonalds," I continued, ignoring Zayn.

"Lucky bastards," Louis exclaimed.

I grinned at him and tipped my hair back to wet my hair and get the smell of sweat out of it.

{hey guys! I'm really excited to write this and I can't wait for you to read it! Lemme know what you think :) }

-RiRi xx

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