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I walked into the training facility.

I showed my badge to the front desk. The guy nodded and sent me back.

I went to the back and saw the big gym. I saw a bunch of guys and girls. They were all in the training uniform and they were standing straight.

"Alright guys my name is Agent Karina Singh but you call me Agent Singh. I'll be your trainer for the next three months. You will listen to everything I say and I will not tolerate disrespect." I said.

The girls smiled at me while the guys smirked.

"Alright first I want yall to warm up. So I want 15 laps. Go ahead. Start running." I said.

They all immediately started. I smirked. This should be fun.



"How did you know Ayesha was the one?" I asked Steph as we were shooting hoops at practice. "You think Karina's the one?" He asked. "I don't know. I think so." I said. "Well we already know you love her." He said.

I nodded.

"We've only been together for almost a year and I feel like I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. You know. Like she makes me so happy. Waking up to see her in the morning. I wanna do that for the rest of my life. Coming home to her everyday. It's crazy man." I said.

Stephen chuckled.

"I was feeling the same way with Ayesha look where we at now. Almost three years together." He said.

I smiled and shot the three.

"I wanna propose but I don't know when." I said. "Well first you gotta find the right ring." Stephen said.

I sighed.

"This is gonna be a long process." I said.

Stephen chuckled.

"Don't worry. It'll be worth it in the end." He said.

I smiled at the thought of Karina walking down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown.



I watched as that bitch left the building.

I glared at her. Why couldn't Klay love me. I mean look at me. I'm beautiful.

I watched as she went into her car and drove off. Alright time to find out where this bitch lives.



I bumped my head to music that was playing.

I looked in my mirror and saw a car. It's been following me for a while now.

I shifted in my seat and turned away from my house. I then picked up my phone and called Klay.

Klay-"Wassup Karina?"
Klay-"Yeah that's me."
Me-"Where's Klay?" I asked.
Klay-"He's with Stephenie shooting threes."
Me-"Can I come by i feel like someone's following me."
Klay-"What the fuck? Yeah hurry up."

I said bye to Draymond and hung up.

I quickly drove to the training facility. The car was still following me.

I pulled into the parking lot and quickly parked.

I saw the car park a few spots away from me. I waited to see if anybody would come out but no one did.

I sighed. Time to be an investigator. Well I am technically.

I started walking towards the car.

"Karina get yo short ass over here!" I heard Draymond Stephen and Klay.

I turned around and mean mugged them.

"Yall bitches always gotta come at my height! You know fuck it I'm roasting yall asses. Dray-" I was cut off by Klay's lips.

My eyes were wide. He pulled away.

"Shut the fuck up." He mumbled.

I stomped on his foot.

"Ow fuck!" He yelled.

Draymond and Stephen laughed.

"What's funny?" I snapped.

They immediately shut their mouths.

I smirked. Bitches.


Updated. So Hannah is trying to get killed. And so is the boys. Talking about poor Karina height. Lml. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and Vote.
Word Count: 634

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