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I stared at the two tall basketball players. They smiled at me.

"Jason!" I screamed loudly, causing the two giants to jump.

I would've laughed if I wasn't in shock that two basketball players were in front of me.

Jason quickly came to me. He smirked.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew two basketball players?" I asked.

He smiled and so did Klay and Stephen.

"It never came up." He said.

I felt my eyeball twitch and I gave him my "wtf" look.

"I'm gonna stab you." I threatened.

His eyes widened.

Stephen and Klay laughed.

"I'm Stephen but you can call me Steph " Stephen said.

I smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm Karina." I said.

Klay smiled at me, causing my heart to flutter.

"I'm Klay." He said 

I smiled at the handsome man.

"Karina." I said.

I opened my beer and took a sip.

"Auntie Rina!" I heard a little voice scream.

I put my beer down and turned around. Cam was running towards me on her little legs. I picked her up.

"Hi baby. How are you?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Good. Guess what?" She said.

I smiled.

"What?" I asked. "I'm staying with daddy for one week!" She yelled excitedly.

I giggled and smiled.

"That's great." I said.

She nodded and I put her down.

"You're good with kids." A voice said.

I turned around and saw a tall pretty woman with a baby at her hip.

I smiled.

"Thanks. I've always loved kids." I said.

She smiled.

"I smiled Ayesha Curry." She said. I smiled. "Karina Singh." I said my

I felt an arm go around me.

"How's my favorite police officer?" My uncle asked. "I'm yhe only officer you like." I said jokingly.

Everyone laughed. I took a sip of my beer.

"You going home or staying?" He asked. "If I'm ok to drive I'll go if not im crashing here." I stated.

He nodded. Ayesha and I went to where Steph, Klay, Jason and Lisa were sitting. I smiled and Lisa and kissed her cheek.

"You look nice." She complimented. I smiled. "Thank you." I said.

We all sat down. Ayesha let Riley go play. She hobbled on her little feet. I smiled at the site.

"So officer Singh. How's work?" Lisa asked. I rolled my eyes. "Well they've put me now desk duty for 6 months. So boring." I answered. "Wait you're a police officer?" Klay asked. "Yea, but soon I'm gonna be working for the FBI." I said. He nodded. "Isn't that gonna take a while?" Steph asked. "Yeah. I mean I'm graduating with my masters this year because I didn't take any breaks in college. I went straight through and then when I turn 23 I'll apply for the FBI which will take a few months." I explained. Steph nodded.

I took another sip if my beer. I notice Klay glancing at me every now and then. It made me feel werid but a good type of werid.


Throughout the night i got to know Steph, Ayesha, and Klay more. Steph is a year older then me. Ayesha and Klay were my age.

Klay was really sweet and when he talked about basketball you could see his passion for it. It was so cute the way his face would light up when he talked about playing. Also Stephen and him had the cutest relationship ever.

"Karina come dance!" My younger cousin Rehanna said.

I smiled and got up. I saw Klay stare at me. I brushed it off and went to dance with my cousin.

We danced to the soca music.

After dancing I got tired and went back to her my beer that my cousin was holding. Lisa gave it to me and I drank it. I then sat down, which happened to be next to Klay. He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"So Mr. Splash why aren't you dancing?" I asked. He shrugged. "Not really my thing." He answered. "Oh really." I said. He smiled and nodded. "Well that's gonna change." I said standing up.

I took off my jacket and placed it on the chair. I then grabbed Klay's hand and pulled him up. He towered over me. I had to look up, but not so much where it would hurt my neck.

I dragged Klay to where everyone was dancing.

"Now just let loose." I said, starting to dance.

He then started dancing with me. And surprisingly he knew exaclty how to move to the Caribbean music.

"I thought you said you didn't dance." I said. "I don't but I never said u didn't know how to." He said.

I smiled and we contiued to dance the night away.


So they met and they were dancing together. Yass. #Klarina  <~ that's their ship name obviously. Anyway so the college process and fbi process I don't know about that well, so just go with the flow. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and vote.
Word Count: 835.

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