The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 8)

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I heard a bang. I didn’t like it, I want them to come and find me. I don’t like where I am. Its dark, they’re prowling around outside.

She told me to run, so I did. She said her name was Paulie. I believed her, so I ran. Now I’m hiding again. No-one else is around. I think I’m alone, I don’t know, I hope not.

Paulie told me my mom would be back for me soon. I remember her holding me. I remember my Dad too. But Paulie said I can’t talk about him, otherwise mommy will be upset. And I don’t want to upset mommy. I want her to find me.

I’m scared.

After Paulie went away, that’s when I heard the bang. I don’t know what it was, but it scared me. Then I heard the growling. They started banging on the door. They’ve stopped now. I don’t know why, I don’t think I want to know why either.

Maybe that’s why Paulie’s gone. Maybe she stopped them on the outside. I hope she’s alright. I like Paulie. She has a funny way of talking. I like the way she talks though.

She said to me “Now, honey, don’t you be fretting your little head about anything. Auntie Paulie’s gonna take care of everything, okay now honey? You smile like sunshine now, there’s no need to be a glum plum. Ava won’t like that. She’ll kill me if anything happens to you”.

She smiled when she said my mom’s name. She must really like her, at least that’s how I think she feels about her. Either way, she’s gone now, and I feel like a glum plum.

I hope mom’s coming soon.


“Paulie...Paulie... Are you still... there?” I whispered into Paulie’s blood stained hair, clearly visible even in her matted ginger locks. Of course, her body was silent. She was dead.

I knew it; but I wouldn’t accept it.

Behind her, only a few metres, the bloody, mangled body of the zombie snarled still. Gritting my teeth, I pulled the gun out and shot at its head, hitting it with only one bullet.

I turned back to look at Paulie, slumped on the floor, blood trickling from her mouth. I’d felt the life leave her body; the life that should still be pumping around her body, not escaping from her.

“Ava” Kain whispered my name, hardly even a whisper, more like a breath. He crouched down beside me, and brought his hand over her eyes, closing them. I shuddered. Paulie’s blood was cold on my skin, and had dried into my jeans.

Shakily, with Kain’s help, I stood to my feet, and I saw everyone staring at Paulie’s body. She didn’t have to die. She didn’t have to. And now she’s dead- for no reason whatsoever; killed on a freaking whim.

“Men, move the body” Stark ordered, and silently, a few soldiers shuffled forwards, but I fired a bullet into the sky, making everyone’s head snap towards me like puppets. Stark’s head included, as he realised he was no longer the puppet master.

The girl with the gun and the vengeance was.

“That’s a waste of a bullet” Stark pointed out, twitching his thick bushy moustache, trying to regain control. I fired again.

I aimed it directly over his head, causing Stark to jump in terror, but it sailed overhead and buried itself in the brown tree bark behind. I glared at him.

“Waste of a bullet? Waste of a bullet?! How many bullets have you just wasted Stark? Gunning down one of the innocent, a civilian, a woman! What would your mother think?! What would your wife think?!”

The Dead World I Live InOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora