The Dead I Live With (Prologue)

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So, I decided to write more. The overall title will stay the same, but the new chapters will be The Dead I Live With, to separate them.

Wooooo... all exited we go....... 3......2.......1...... :

The Dead I Live With:

 Captain Duncan Chase's Point of View:

It had been months since that meeting in the Board room. So much had happened since then.

But still no Ava.

It was like she'd disappeared off the face of this terrible earth. We'd lost so many men trying to find her, but still nothing. General Stark was getting more and more annoyed when the search parties returned empty handed. On the brighter side, we'd killed more zombies during this time than ever before.

The soilders were convinced that we must be getting the advantage, that their numbers must be dropping, but Stark refused to believe it. I think this war is making him lose his mind. He's lost it completely. Ever since that meeting, he's been just.......weird. He says that the zombies are re-grouping to form an even bigger army to then launch the final war on us. He says we can't fight without Ava.

The soilders are beggining to lose faith too. 48 soilders have committed suicide just this month alone. If we keep losing more men, then I dread to think what will happen.

The rebel soilder, Kain, he says she's alive. Claims he can 'feel it'. No-one knows what his connection is with her, but I think it's all in his head. Everyone is feeling the strain of it, the not knowing. At least with her we have some hope. But, I doubt we'll ever feel that again.

Still, we've got a lead. We found a blood trail, figures. We don't know if it's hers, but were going to check it out today. I'm leading a group of 15 men to investigate. The trail leads from what we suspect to be her underground base, to a large cliff over looking the sea. Some of the other general think she jumped, ended it all.

But if theres even a small chance of finding her, we're going to take it.

"Soilders!" I ordered, watching them all line up, whilst stepping onto a tree stump, so they could all see me clearer "Once at the designated area, we will split into five groups of three." I indicated the groups with my hands. "Understand?" They nodded. "Good. Now, on the rarity that we do find her, I want you to whistle three times, then shout your location. Yes?"

"Yes sir!" They chorused. I noticed among them was the rebel, Kain.

"If in the incident of a zombie attack, whistle once, sharp and clear, and another group will come to assist you. Okay men, move out!"

We marched in silence. Only the treading of heavy footsteps could be heard. Left, right, left, right, left, right.  We walked with purpose, so our speed was fairly fast. Within hardly no time at all, we'd arrived. I assigned the different groups specific areas. I made sure that Kain was in my group, so I could keep a close eye on him. Let's just say, I trusted him as far as I could throw him.

I was also with Robert Bucks, a loyal and brave soilder.

"Kain! Keep up!" I instructed, marching with Bucks down to the bottom of the caves. If she had jumped, at least we could find her body. Kain picked up the pace, but I could tell that it was on Ava's behalf, rather than mine.

"Okay" I began, once we'd reached the bottom "Bucks, you take that area there. Kain, you search over there, and I'll take this  area here. Go"

We split off, and began to search thoroughly. I'd been at this for nearly 40 minutes now, nothing. Maybe I should stop searching and head back, I thought.

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