The Dead I Live With (Chapter 10)

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The zombies were crashing and banging against the door. One of the four hinges was already loose, and it didn’t take a genius to work out that the other three wouldn't take long to break down.

Desperately, I began hitting walls, looking for a door. I shoved filing cabinets, desks, drawers out of the way, still looking. After everything I'd been through, there was no way in god's name I was getting killed by a stinking zombie. I mean, it's a rotting corpse, right?

That I would soon become.

No time to think like that! I told myself. Everything was moved except a last cabinet. It looked too heavy for me to lift on my own. I ran back over to Geek, and yanked him to his feet.

"Help me move this!" I hissed at him, and he obliged. We began moving it towards the wall, when I heard another hinge break. "Put it in front of the door!"

Together, we pushed the heavy cabinet in front of the door. The minute we let go, I heard another hinge break, and I groaned.

 I looked back to where the cabinet had just been, and I saw a door.

It was unusually metal, and had a sense pad, requiring finger prints or something like that. I ran towards it, and pressed my healthy palm to the surface.

"Access denied" An animated voice told me.

I began to panick now. There was only one hinge left, and for over 30 zombies, that cabinet wouldn't take long to move. I grabbed Geek's wrist, and pressed it to the pad.

"Access denied"

With no other choice, I pressed my infected hand to the pad, and it began to scan.

"Access granted"

The door slid open.

I punched the air!

"Wait, are YOU INFECTED?!?!" Geek demanded, but I ignored him.

I then grabbed Geek, and dragged him into the room. Moments later, the last hinge broke, and the zombies burst into the room.


The legs of the heavy wooden cabinet began to screech on the floor as the zombies threw themselves at it, trying to get past to get to Geek and I. I looked for something to close the door with, and found 2 switches. I hit them both, and the door slid shut, and the lights flickered on.

Safe from the zombies, I turned around to look at the room. I was already shocked that Dad had kept this from me, so seeing the poshest lab I had ever seen was another blow. I avoided the tubes of chemicals like the plague, because anything could make me worse.

But, the stacks of paper on an ordinary office desk caught my eye. I didn't have time to read through it all, so instead I scooped everything of the desk into my bag. If even one sheet in there helps me, it'll be worth it.


I turned back to Geek, who was exploring the room, and cleared my throat. He spun round, dropping 2 test tubes of chemicals in the process. I sighed, glowering at him.

He backed away from me.

“You, you” He kept repeating pointing frantically at me “You’re one of them”

“Maybe, not yet anyways, got a few days left on me” I told him, and begun searching for another new exit.

“Stay away from me!” He yelled at me, and I laughed at the pleasure.

“No problem, but how about I save your life again first, then we go our separate ways?” I offered, but he shook his head frantically at me.

“No! Get me out of here! Now” He added, trying to sound more threatening.

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