I stare at the back of Anti's head. Occasionally, he will twitch as if he was in pain. I know I should ask him what's wrong, but I didn't want to pester.


When the moon was high up in the sky, we arrived at a small town called Utipok. And when I say it's a small town, I mean it.

The whole town was composed of a food store, a hotel and a couple of houses. That was it.

"Anti, can we please stop to take a break?" Wade asks, groaning. Anti sighs.

"But we are almost to Giü."

"No, I don't mean like a sleep break, I mean like a 'my god my feet are killing me that I need to sit down for a minute' break." Anti sighs again, rubbing his neck.

"Fine. We can take a thirty minute break."


Thirty minutes turn into an hour thanks to Wade having to wrap his bleeding feet up in gauze while Anti redresses my scratch wounds. It didn't hurt as bad anymore since it was scabbing over.

I sniff the air, stopping in my tracks.

"Anything out of the ordinary, Mark?" I shake myself and continue on my way.

"It's weird seeing Mark as a wolf.." My ears prick when I heard Bob whisper to Wade.

"I know exactly what you mean," Wade replies. My fur twitches a little as I felt both of their eyes on me.

"Do you think he will inherit dog traits?" Ken mutters. Bob and Wade giggle.

"Like humping the side of someone's leg?" I flatten my ears.

"Or barking at squirrels like a normal dog does."

"Or maybe he would rip out all three of your guys throats and force you to eat it." Anti growls as I laugh silently in my head, wagging my tail a little bit. "Just because he is a wolf, doesn't mean he can't hear you."

I hear Cry chuckle a little as those three fell silently. Sometimes it pays to be friends with a demon


As the sun slowly starts to rise, I saw a sign that read "Welcome to Giü, Underworld's oldest city."

"We made it guys! We made it to the ancient city!" Cry yells as I wag my tail happily. Felix stirs a little as Wade asks.

"So why are we in Giü again?"

"Because the entrance to The Abyss is located somewhere in here."

"What's going on bros?" Felix mutters tiredly against Cry's shoulder. Ken smirks.

"Morning sleeping beauty? How'd you enjoy your sleep?" Felix smiles, rolling his eyes.

"It was perfect considering I don't look like a train wreck." He frowns, looking around. "Where are we again?"

"Giü." Felix nods, hopping down from Cry's back.

"Okay, okay, one last question. Why the hell is there a black wolf in front of us?" Cry smirks.

"That wolf, Felix, is Mark." I stare in amusement as Felix's eyes grew huge.

"That thing is Mark?!" My ears prick at the sound of my name. "Holy shit I am so jealous right now! I wish I could shift into a wolf!"

The amusement leaves my mind as an unfamiliar scent drifts towards me. I flatten my ears and growl, drawing back my lip, revealing my sharp canine teeth.

"Mark, what's wrong?" Anti asks as everyone stares. I quickly morph back into human form, staring in the direction of the footsteps.

"Someone's coming." I warn before two small girls walk from behind the corner wearing identical Victorian style dresses. In fact, everything about them was identical, except for the hair colors. One had purple hair the other brown.

"I'm sorry," they both said in a low, creepy voice not meant for a little child. "We cannot let you pass."

Game Over (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now