Chapter 14

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Warning, may be a little gruesome. If you don't like the thought of gruesome things, you might not want to read this chapter............

Or you could always just skip over the horrible fight scene. XD that's an option too Lol.

On second thought.... You might just want to skip the chapter altogether...

Felix's places his hands on his hips. "Yeah, well, watch us!"

The girl with the brown hair sticks her hand up. A red ball of energy flies at Felix. Cry grits his teeth and throws up a shield, instantly causing the tiny red ball to disappear.

"We don't want to fight you," Ken says to the girls. The purple haired one smiles.

"Too bad," she hisses as an invisible force throws him off of his feet.

"Ken!" Felix cries, dashing over to him. Both the girls threw tiny little knives at Anti. I hold my breath as I watch him dodge all of them with ease. He looks very bored when he lands on his feet.

"I don't have time for child's play." He growls, rushing at them. They both smile, leaping out of his way. But Anti was smart.

He leaps in the air kicking the purple haired one in her face. She gasps in surprise as she came crashing down. The brown haired one shrieks, slicing Anti across the chest with her claws. He winces as he lands on his feet, blood oozing out of the wound. Something inside of me snaps.

"You bitch!" I growl as she lands. Her purple haired twin, leaping back by her side. I grab both of my knives and rush forward.

The brown haired one laughs as her twin throws a set of daggers.

"Mark, no!" Anti screams as they fly towards me. I blink and they seemed much slower. I dodge them effortlessly, slashing the brown haired one's throat as I sail by.

Everyone was silent. No one spoke a word, not even Cry who had cast shields around everybody as the girl's body falls to the ground. I land on my feet, arms outstretched as her blood drips off of my knife.

The purple haired girl cries. "Sister? Sister!" But there was no answer. My head twitches slightly as she screams.

"Mark!" Wade yells, I turn around slowly. All of my friends eyes widen as they saw me. Blood-spattered and pissed off.

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