Chapter sixteen Fight for Freedom part two

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Without anymore hesitation I dashed out of my hiding spot and rushed into battle. Keeping my eye on Killian I moved towards him; grabbing a sword from a fallen boys chest. I pushed my way through the boys and men and finally made my way to Killian. However I spotted a boy creeping towards him with his sword held high - before his sword could reach Killian I block him and kicked butted him away. "Look who's joined the party" the irritating Peter Pan laughed. "Are you ok?" Killian asked me worriedly. I nodded "I'm fine".

We fought courageously; never leaving each other's side. After a while all of Killian's crew appeared around us. "Wasn't that entertaining" the bloody demon chuckled darkly. "We both got what we wanted" Killian stated "So I guess we will be going now". "Going?" Pan questioned "Have you forgot? No one leaves without my permission". "You and I both know that adults aren't allowed in Neverland" Killian growled. "Then that means you've broken the rule. So what punishment shall we give them?" His boys chuckled darkly at his statement "Shall we feed them to the crocodiles? Or throw them in mermaid lagoon? Or maybe we shall just kill them where they stand". "And what fun would that be?" Killian sniggered. The boy smirked "Alright then" he said; lifting his hand and with a click of his fingers a fire erupted for behind - the JollyRoger lit up in flames. Killian grind his teeth together as he watched his beloved ship burn. "Now you can leave" Peter ordered and strolled away with his lost boys.

For and hour we rapidly chucked water at the ship in hope that it would still be fine to sail. Once the fire was out we hopped on board. The deck was full of black ash and bits of wood crashed to the ground. "Is it still ok to travel?" I questioned. "She's fine" Killian assured me. "Hey where's (W\N)?" I asked; looking around. Killian stared at the island "Um he went to search for you I think". "You mean the wolf?" The boy appeared once again and sat on the side of the ship "Yeah fun fact your wolf is actually one of my little experiments" he chuckled. I raised a brow "What do you mean?". "He was one of my lost boys who needed to be punished and you brought him back" he explained "I would thank you but - the boy is quiet annoying" he sighed "I might leave him as a wolf". "Get off my ship" Killian snap. Pan flashed him a dark grin "Alright goodbye Captain, (Y\N). Oh and by the way I like what you've done with the place" and with that said he disappeared.

We sailed out over Neverland's sea and when we got far enough away, Killian threw a bean into the ocean. He had explained that the bean was in fact magic and would take you wherever you desire. "(Y/N) come here" he ordered softly. I obeyed and approached him at the helm. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist "This is going to be a bumpy right" he told me and he was correct. A portal opening in the ocean like whirl pool that shucked us in and threw us out on a different ocean.

"Where are we?" I questioned. "The enchanting forest" he replied and steered us into the docks. "Should have know" I chuckled. "Yeah I'm hungry and they have the best food here" he explained "Alright lads let's get stock then something to eat" he ordered them "Come on love let's go for a walk".

We strolled, hand in hand, down a path in the forest. It was a nice a walk. Quiet but calming. The birds sang and a cool breeze fluttered past us. "I'm sorry about what happened" he sigh "I promised that I would protect you". "And you did" I argued with a smile. He sighed happily "I'm proud if you" he stated "You held back your own on that island. I see you remembered our training". "Aye Captain I did" I mocked. He rolled his eyes "Speaking pirate now?". "Aye captain you may have taught me many things but I taught myself the extremely difficult language of pirate" I joked "Not many people can do it but I learned from the best". He stopped and stared into my eyes lovingly and proceeded to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his gently on my waist.

After a while we broke for air; gasping to fill out lungs back with oxygen. He placed his forehead on mine and sighed "I've lost many people in my life and I really don't want to lose you" he admitted quietly. I placed my hand on his cheek "You won't". He held my hand tightly and smiled; placing a kiss on my head "Come on love. I'm starving" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to a pub.

We sat down and ordered something and so the rest of his crew joined us on spectate tables. As night time fell the crew, including Killian, began to drink and gamble. I rolled my eyes at the sudden loudest that erupted from the table of gamblers where Killian cheered happily. He glanced at me and waved for me to join but reclined with a smile. He shrugged and turned away.

"Hello Dearie" a voice giggled from the table across from me. I raised a brow at the scaly man who wore a big goofy smile if his face. "I see the captain has move on fast" he glanced at Killian then back at me. "Who are you?" I questioned. In an instant he was sat on the chair in front of me and rested his hands on the table. "Why my name is Rumplestiltskin" he purred "Also known as the Dark one". I had heard of the Dark one before - people feared him. "How do you know Killian?" I asked curiously. "Well you see he stole my wife" he growled. "What?" I was a bit taken back by the sudden news. "He took my wife, my wife left me and my son" he explained a bit more. "So your wife stopped loving you?" I pressed. He frowned "She said I was a coward but I showed her when I ripped out her heart and crushed it in front of her" he giggle. My face contorted at the repulsive story. "I then proceeded to cut of your loves hand" he sighed happily. "That's a bit morbid" I told him. He shrugged "What's done is done". "Now what do you want?" I questioned hesitantly. "I wanted to introduce myself but I shall be off" he stood "This won't be the last you'll hear of me" was his last words as he shipped out of the door. His words echoed through me head 'This won't be the last you'll hear of me" What is that suppose I mean? Will I see him again?...

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