Chapter two Friendship

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Hooks POV

I awoke early and made my way towards the village stores. I look around for some clothes for, (Y\N).

"Hey, Hook" a flirty voice chirps in my ears. I turned to see, Sophia with a huge smile on her face. Her breast popping out of her tight dress, trying to get my attention.

"Nice try, love" I smirk walking away.

"Don't tell me it didn't work" she followed me "You love me, you want me. So why deny it, Hook?".

"Excuse me, love but I have better things to do than you" I turn my back on her.

"Oh come on, Hook remember last time, it was so fun. I'm great your great let's be great together" she bits her lip.

"Maybe next time".

"But next time never comes. You can't just mess with girl's feelings like that. It's not fair. You can't sleep with someone the leave them the very next day" her face grew red.

"Yeah I can, cause I did. Lots of times. Now excuse me...Love" I scowl at her. She huffs and storms off.

Finally finding a shop full of clothes, I buy some and made my way back to the ship. On my way I spot a beautiful necklace with a bright blue gem in it. Metal curled around the gem holding it in place.

"How much?" I point to it.

"Twenty silvers".

"Seriously?" I raise a brow.

He shrugs. Sighing I pass him twenty silvers, grabbing the necklace and walking back to the boat. I knocked on, (Y\N)s door once I got back to the ship. She answered with a yawn.

"Sleep well?".

"Best I've had in a long time" she smiles.

"I bought you a couple of things" I say passing her the bag of cloths.

"You didn't have to".

"I couldn't  have you walking around in rags and a coat now can I?"

She nods thankfully, taking the cloths. A couple of minutes later she popped out of her room wearing a long (F\C) dress with matching shoes, she tied her hair back with some string.

"Thank you" she smiled a sweet smile.

"Your very welcome". The sun rose meaning it's time to leave. My crew popped out from under deck, rubbing their eyes and stretching their arms. "Gets the sails up men, we're leaving" I order. They immediately got to it.

(Y\N) kept as far away as possible from the men. She back away to her door. I gestured her to follow me and I lead her to the helm. I took the wheel and steered it out of the docks. The men cheered as we sailed away.

"Come here" I turn to, (Y\N). She slowly approached me with caution. "Take the helm for me" I point to the wheel, stepping back. She gripped the helm and look out at the sea. "You can trust me" I reassure her.

"Sorry" she muttered.

"For what?" I stand next to her.

"I can't trust you" she let go of the helm, running down the stairs and into her room, slamming the door.

My crew looked up at me with a blank look. I scowl at them and they immediately got back to work. I slowly made my way to her door, knocking on it slightly. Nothing. I quietly opened the door, (Y\N) lay curled up, facing the walls. Closing the door, I sat on the edge of her bed. After minutes of sitting she finally sat up to face me, hugging her knees.

"Sorry" she whispered "I can't trust you"

"Why?" I raise a brow.

"Long story" she sighs. "I'm all ears, love" I smirk.

"Well...I lost my mother at the age of six, she was killed by a..." She looked up at me.

"By a pirate" I finish her sentence "Who?".

"Blackbeard" she answered. I clenched my jaw at his name "I'm sorry to hear, but I'm not like, Blackbeard".

"I know but I'm don't know you well enough to trust you" resting her head on her knees she looked up at me.

"Ok then...lets get to know each how old are?"

"Twenty" she smiled.

"Um, what's your favourite colour?".

"What's my favourite colour?" she laughed.

"It's just a question, so answer it"

"(F\C). Now my turn to ask the questions, why did you help me?" Her face grew serious as she stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"Well I've always had a hatred for slave sellers, so to see you the way you were, tied up attached to a piece of rope. I couldn't bare to see you the way your were" I sighed, looking away.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" After what felt like an hour of talking, a knock was heard at the door.

"Captain we've spotted land" one of the men calls through the door. I quickly hurried to the door, pulling it open to find, Mr Smee standing outside holding his red hat, waiting for me.

"Where?" I question.

He past me my telescope, looking though I see land, but on the lands dock is..."Blackbeards ship, what a coincidence".

"What shall we do, Captain?".

"Get all weapons ready, I think it's time we paid our friend a little visit" I smirk, looking though the telescope once more. "This is going to be fun"


Sitting on my own in my room, I decided to go outside. I slightly opened the door and peered out. A commotion of men, ran around the ship, carrying weapons. Shouting to each other.

"Alright men, ready for battle" Hook called to them, standing at the helm, looking through a telescope. I quickly made my way to him, dodging the men as they ran past.

"What's going on?" I question as I walk up the stairs.

"Looks like we can get you revenge on, Blackbeard" he pointed out to a ship, floating at a dock.

"No" I spoke.

"What?" He looked at me in confusion.

"I don't want revenge"

"We're all going to get revenge on what he's done, to us, to you, why after what he did to you would you not want revenge?" He raised a brow, the pirate in him showing through.

"Two wrongs don't make a right, Captain. You don't need to get revenge" I look out to the ship.

He sighed looking back at the ship, he walked over to the helm, sailing it in the opposite direction from, Blackbeard.

"What's going on, Captain?" Someone asked.

"Put the weapons away. We're going somewhere else" he turned back to me and smiled.

"Thank you" I mouthed, then walked back to my room. 'Maybe this pirate isn't as heartless as, Blackbeard' I smile at the thought, falling back on the bed...

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