Chapter twelve Peter Pan

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Peter Pan POV

I smirked and watched as the Pirates ran around like headless chickens; all full of fear which they should be. Fear is something everyone should feel when I'm around. I turned in the air and flew back to my home; my island; Neverland. The island has become very boring with no one to fight and nothing to do. The lost boys were training for are future battle. I hovered above the camp where the boys had gathered and watch as I landed in the middle of them. They stood as I landed and waited for me to speak. "Hello boys" I smirked at them "Are we all ready for our battle on the main land?" I questioned them. They cheered and held their weapons in the air. "Get some rest boys we've got a day of training tomorrow" I ordered and they scattered off to their tents apart from one. "Felix" I turned to him. He peered at me through the top of his hood and made his way to me; club in hand. "What's your plan, Pan?" He questioned as he stopped in front of me. Felix being tall towered over me; his face covered in scares from all of our battles; his blond fringe fell over his forehead. "The plan" I began and looked up at the head boy "Is to destroy everything the one handed pirate holds dear to him. We destroy his crew and his boat". "And kill him?" He questioned as I finished. "No, no, Felix you should know now that I don't do mercy. We leave him to himself with no one and nothing for him to do" I explain. "When do we leave?". "Soon my friend. But we should show kindness and give him time to ready himself or else the fight will not be fun" I chuckled "The pirate has a new lady friend". "Oh really?" He smirked and we began to walk into the forest. "Mhm, yes he seems to really care about her" I answered him. "That unusual since he lost his last lady". "Indeed. But this time we get to hurt his heart unlike the dark one" I grinned. "Of course" he said "Any luck on finding the boy you need?" He question. The truest believer; his heart it what I'm searching for and that will save my life. "Not yet but patience is the key to greatness".

Hooks POV

"You've gotten stronger, love" I complimented and she beamed at me with her beautiful smile. "So who is this boy?" She questioned and placed her sword back in the scabbard. "Well, love the boy, Peter Pan is his name. He's lived on an island for over 300 years with his pack of wild lost boys" I began and sat on the side of the ship; she followed and sat crossed legged on a barrel, "He's evil and murderous. He likes to hurts people" I sighed "My brother died on that bloody island because he touched this stuff named dream shade. The boy gave us the cure but when we tried to leave he died". (Y\N) placed her small fragile on my arm and gave me a small smile in which I returned. "Well it sounds like he's gone a bit crazy being on that island for that long" she sighed. "Maybe so or maybe he's just been this twisted since birth" I chuckled "Now come, we must train and get your stance perfect" I stood and held out my hand. "Ok" she smiled and took my hand.


We trained and fought until the sun disappeared over the ocean and the moon took its place in the sky. The stars shine like firefly that I use to watch when I was younger; making wishes as the flew past me. I took in a warm breath as the light wind flew past and leaned on the side of the boat. I closed my eyes and wished on the brightest star in the dark night sky. "What are you doing, love?" Killian questioned as he appeared next to me. "When I was young my mother told me that if I wished on the brightest star in the sky my wish would come true" I explained with a smile. "Has your wish ever come true?" He asked and looked up at the sky. "She told me that not all my wishes would come true but I wished to be free my whole life and that's come true hasn't it?". "Indeed it has" he smile with wonder at the star filled sky "What's your new wish?". "If I tell you it may not come true" I warned. He nodded for me to go on. I sighed "I wished for this to never end. Being here on this boat with you and my wolf" I smiled down at the black wolf that slept at my feet. "That's a big wish" he took my hand and looked into my eyes "I wish for that too". "If you believe then it will come true and I wish for you to be happy" I said and looked out at the ocean. "Your no longer a bag of bones" he chuckled. "Aye, captain you've fed me well" I mimicked his voice and chuckled. "You speak pirate" He laughed. "I learned from the best" I grinned. "Thank you ma dear" he wrapped his long arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. "No matter what happens, Killian I want you to know that you have changed my life for the better and I've enjoyed every minute being with you on this ship. I have made friends and also a pet" I smiled and looked down at, (W\N) "And I've felt love for the first time". He smirked "Hopefully nothing will happen and I will be able to show you more places than you've  ever thought was out here". "I'm looking forward to it" I returned his smirk and placed my lips and his; wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms snaked around my waist. "There is so much I want to show you" he said as we broke apart. "Sounds exciting" I smiled and looked into his blue orbs. "You know, love you have changed me in many ways" he kissed my head and smiled down at me "And I thank you for that". I nodded my head as he pulled me into his warm embrace. "I love you, Killian" I told him in a whisper. "I love you too, (Y\N)" he whispered back and pulled me closer, placing his chin on my head and slowly rocked back and forth on his heals. A gust of wind blew through the boat; going through different gaps and making small noises. The dark blue ocean guided the boat across the water. I took in the breath taking scene and made me feel like this moment would last forever but sadly nothing does and we parted to our room to rest until the next day when we would continue the training for when the 300 year old, Peter Pan decides to return.

A\N. I thank everyone who has supported me through this book and also my other creations. My first book on wattpad has just reached 90k and it makes me so happy to see everyone enjoys these books.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to upload a new chapter as I've had a writers blocks. Any ways like, comment and enjoys. Thank you all me little auras 💖💖💖

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