Chapter thirteen Training

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It's been a weeks since, Pan came for a visit and the thought of him returning with more boys like him sent shivers down my spine. Killian has been making his crew do extra training and he's given me private lesson. But still I fear the worst will come. I have no doubt in, Killian's plans and training will give us a bit of an advantage but from what I've been told this boy is highly skilled and extremely dangerous. "(Y\N)?" Someone shook me from my thoughts and I looked up in to two beautiful blue eyes. "Are you ok?" He questioned with a worried expression. I nodded "Yeah I'm fine". "You sure. You've been out of it a bit lately" he explained. I sighed "I've just had a lot to think about". He hummed a response and nodded "Everything will be fine. I promise".

The sun had set and the crew had vacated under deck. I sat alone on a barrel watching the ocean move back and forth against the ship. The stars shone and half a moon joined them. I sighed happily into the warm breeze as it passed. "It's a beautiful night aye?" A hushed voice said next me. "Indeed captain" I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes back at me and smiled. "Ready for another lesson, (Y\N)?" He questioned with a devilish smirk. "Always but this time I will beat you" I jumped down from the barrel and withdrew my sword from its scabbard and pointed it toward him. "Eager are we?" He chuckled. I laughed and our swords collided.

The sound of metal was the only thing heard on the boat. "You've gotten better" he commented. "That's because I've got a great teacher" I smirked. I suddenly got lost in his menacing blue eyes and my swing of my sword grew weak. He took the opportunity to flip me around and knock my sword out my hand. He chuckled in my ear and tripped me over. I landed on my stomached with a thud and turn to face him with a groan. "Silly girl never get distracted even if your looking at such a devilishly handsome fellow such as myself" he smirked. "Your so full of yourself" I rolled my eyes. "Excuse me?" He crossed his arms. I chuckled and closed me eyes. I lay there listening to the water hitting the boat and the birds flying over. A sudden presences lay next to me with a sigh. He lips drew close to mine only inches away. I smirks and closed the gap leaning into his lips. He adjusted himself so he was above me. His hook arm next my side and the other propping him up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently pulled him closer. At that moment a big ball of fluff dived at us. We jumped back to find my very happy wolf staring at us. I laughed and stroked his soft head. "How did he get out?" Killian groaned. I looked towards my room and shrugged "He's a smart wolf".

The following morning was calm and quiet. The blue sky lay above the glistening ocean. Nothing could ruin this moment...or so I thought. The moment was destroyed as the sky grew grey and the ocean began to pick up pace in the strong winds. The men gathered with a rumble from down stairs to maintain their jobs in this sort of weather. Killian appeared and pushed me into my room. "Stay in here. Don't come out until the winds calm down" he ordered and kisser my head; hurrying out my room and closing the door behind him. I sat on the bed and waited with (W\N) patiently for the winds to die down but the didn't they picked up. I stumbled off my bed and onto the hard floor. The boat thrashed back and forth causing the furniture in my room to slide around. The sounds of the men screaming us faintly herd and the barrels on the boat fell into the ocean...or I hope it was just the barrels.
(W\N) began to whine in fear and curled up next to me in the corner of the room. I hugged his neck and lay my head in his fur...

A/N. Sorry its been so long I have had writers block. Well anyway I hope you enjoyed xxx

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