Chapter nine Rescued

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"Wake up" a rough voice orders. I opened my eyes immediately to find the man with one eye luring over me. He yanked me by my hair, making me wrince in pain. He pulls me up and shoves me at a wall. "That's a nice welcome" I mutter. "I'm not one for hospitality" he snarls at me. The man is somewhat in his late thirties with black hair and a short beard and moustache. He watch me with his one eye as black as night. "Tell me what is your reasons or being on the captains ship?" He raises his big bushy eyebrow. "We're friends" I tell him. "Really?" He chuckles "That captain doesn't have friends only lovers". He steps closer to me, his chest only inches from mine. His breath tickled my cheek as he bent closer to me. "You are a rare gem I must say but why would the captain leave you all alone?" He lowers his voice and placed his hand on either side of my head,caging me in. "Tell me is the captain good to you?". "I don't see why that's any of your business" I growl. He chuckles darky in my ear "I guess it isn't". "Why am I here?" I whisper as my heart begins to beat faster and faster. "Revenge" he says calmly like its normal "He took something from me and I'll just have to take something from him" he steps back to look at me. "What did he take?". "Some of my men and my money" he explains "So I took his money and you". "What are you going to do with me?" My voice shook in fear and he looked repeat her amused at my tone. "I'll kill you of course and send your body back to him" he clasped his hands together. "I was only staying the night he doesn't care about me. If you kill me that won't be much of a revenge" I insist. He laughs "Did you know I can tell when people are lying, so if they lie their eyes flicker and guess just lied, which makes me think he cares more about you than that". A moment of silence past before he spoke up again "So do me a favour and shut up".

Hooks POV

"Any luck?" I question, Smee. He turns to me with a very pleased look "We've found out it was that one eyed pirate we crossed not long ago" he explains "Luckly we found his boat in the distance before and we've been trailing him ever since". "Well done, Smee" I beam, patting him gently on the back. "Shall I get everyone ready?" He questioned. "No. First we catch up to him then hopefully the sun will have set so we don't have to do any damage to my ship" I tell him. He nods and wonders over to the helm. 'Please be ok'.
The sun set and were nearing the ship. Releasing the anchor I order some men to get the weapons ready as well as the small boats. We sailed in silence in the small boats. We arrived at the ship and quietly climbed on board. "Where are everyone?" Someone asks. "Asleep so be quiet" I tell him "go find our treasure". They nod and stealthily made their way under the deck. 'Where are you?'. I began to look around the boat for any sign of, (Y/N). Making my way to what I presume is the captains quarters, I slowly open the door and peered in. A few candles are lit in different parts of the room but no signs of the captain. I began to leave, but a small wimped brought me back to the room. Opening it more I find someone curled up in a dark corner of the room. Looking closer I find its, (Y\N). I quickly slid towards her. On closer inspection I can see her clothes ripped and her skin exposed. Her hair matted and blood dripped down her head. Her arm with bruises forming and changing different colours from green to blue to dark purple. Rage filled my body and my fist clenched. "(Y\N)" I whispered softly. She looked up, her face stained with tear marks. She looked at me with a smile full of joy but soon faded as her eyes wondered to something or someone behind me. Her expression turned to fear and she hid her face in her knees. Turning around I find the one eyed pirate. He looked at me with a sickening smile. Pulling out my sword I quickly charged at him. He jumped
back in shock and kicked me over and pulled out his own sword. "Wow captain you got here faster than I expected. See girl he does care a lot about you" he chuckled. Throwing another swing at him, pushing him into the wall, he lets out a small groan. He suddenly threw a punch, which I caught without effort. "You stupid naive pirate" I growl with a smirk. His face turned from amusement to anger then to something else. Something dark. "Me naive? I think you've got it wrong" suddenly pain formed in my shoulder "I think not". He pulled the blade out of my shoulder and laughed. I stumbled around the room until my body collapses to the ground. Blood pooled out of my shoulder and onto the floor. "Now captain" he kicked my chin so I was looking at him. The taste of blood filled my mouth. "I want you to watch as I kill your friend over there" he points to (Y\N). I tried to get up,but he kicked me down by my bloody shoulder. I wince in pain and watched as he made his way to, (Y\N) with his sword in his hand. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her up to face him. She cried in pain as he slammed her against the wall. He then began to cut her neck. "STOP IT!" I yell at him but that only made him laugh. I tried to stand but blackness started to cover my sight and then the sounds of my men charging into the room.

I jolted up to find myself in my own room with a wet cloth on my shoulder. I turned my head to find, Smee getting some bandages from a box. I got up slowly and began to leave. "Where are you going, Captain?" He questioned. "Where is she?" I breathed. "She's fine don't worry. She's resting now and so should you" he explains and then pushed me back over to the bed. I sigh and lay back down. He began to bandage my arm up then turned to leave. "Smee" I called after him. He hummed in response and turned to face me. "Thank you". He smiled and left.
After a couple of minutes of arguing with my thoughts about many things I decided to get up. I slowly made my way out my room and over to, (Y\N)s room. (W\N) began to growl at me as I opened the door,but stopped when he realised it was me and went back to sleeping on the floor next to,(Y\N) bed. (Y\N) lay quietly sleeping, with both bruised and bandaged arms next to her sides. Her hair lay over her shoulders and her head bandaged up as well. I sign and sat down on a chair next to her, taking hold of her warm hand. She began to move in her sleep and she turned on her side facing me. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me with both confused and relieved look. She sits up and turns to me with her sweet smile. "Are you ok" I question. She nods, but tears begin to fill her eyes. Sitting next to her I pull her closer and she begins to sob into my chest. (W\N) looks up with a worried look. I instantly tried to calm her. A couple of minutes later her sobs stopped and she fell asleep in my arms. Gently lying down I fall asleep along with her.

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