Chapter three Trust

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A\N. Hope everyone's enjoying this book. Vote,comment and enjoy. If you have ny ideas message me and I will reply. Thanks xxxxx

Hooks POV

"Captain, why aren't we attacking, Blackbeard?" Smee asks.

"Because, Smee what's the point. We might as well just get to where we're going".

"Well...where are we going?".

"What's with all the questions, eh?" I turn to him.

"Sorry, Captain" he looks at the ground "But, Captain what about the girl?"

"What about her?" I question.

"She can't stay with us...we're pirates and she's well just a girl"

"And...what's your point?"

"She doesn't know how to fight or anything a pirate does" I started to walked away, he followed with his millions of questions "She's useless"

"SHUT UP SMEE...YOUR USELESS YET YOUR ON THIS BOAT, SO BE GRATEFUL AND SHUT UP!" I yell, everyone looked up from what there doing.

"Fine" was all he said as he walked under deck.

I sigh and walk over to the helm. "Captain" a small voice says. I like look down to find, (Y\N) standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"What is it, lass" I gesture her over.

She slowly approaches standing next to me "When we find land I was wondering if I could stay there"

"Of course you can, but why?" I look at her.

"Because he's right I don't know how to be a pirate" she whispers looking away "Um... where is the next Island?" She questioned .

"Look you can learn to be a pirate and I'm sure my crew will grow on you". She looks back with a smile. "Plus what are you gonna go if we left you?" I raised a brow, she shrugged and looked out at the ocean.

"So how do I become a pirate?" She turns to me after a moment of thought.

"Well firstly your clothes" I turn to her.

"But you just got me these" she sighed.

"Well you see, love that's not how pirates dresses".

"Fine, what else"

"Your very eager. Anyway you need a sword"

"I'm not good with swords, I'll end up taking out your eyes" she pouted.

"I'll teach you don't worry. So when we find land I'll buy you all the things you need"

"Ok, thank you" she smiled.

"Your very welcome, love" I return her smile.
Finally finding land, we all jump off the boat to stretch our legs. "Come on, love" I turn to, (Y\N). She smiled and followed me into the village.

"Ok so firstly let's find you some clothes" I say walking off to one of the clothes stalls. After choosing the clothes I walk back to her. "Here" I passed the bundle to her.

"Now what?" She asks. "Hmmm now a weapon" I smirk, leading her to the blacksmiths.

"Hello good sir" I say walking over to the black smith.

"Ahh hello to you too, what can I get ya then?" he smiled showing me his yellow chipped teeth.

"I need your finest sword for my friend over there" I point to, (Y\N) keeping my voice down.

"Ahh a jewel for a jewel" he mutters, walking off. A couple of minutes later he come back with a scabbard in hand. "Here" he passes it to me.

I slowly take it out to show a beautiful shinny sword, with a golden handle, a dragon carved up the side and a red ruby at the top.

"Beautiful, how much?" I question.

"Twenty five silvers" he replies.

"That's reasonable" I say as I pass him the money.

"Well for that beauty I lowered the price" he whispered.

"Well thank you" I say as we leave. "Here" I pass the sword to her.

"It's beautiful" she admires the sword "Do I need anything else?"

"No I think your good to go" I smile.
We made are way back to the ship. She instantly ran to her room.

"Captain" Sam walked past me with a box.

"What's in the box, Sam?" I question.

"John won a bet, so we got some more supplies, you know like rum. Your favourite" he cheered walking under deck.

(Y\N) walked out of her room wearing her new clothes, a white vest and red bodice with black curly patterns and tied with a bow. On top of that she wore a black frock coat, some skinny black pants; that shaped her legs perfectly and a black belt wrapped around her waist. She pulled up her long black boots, turning to me.

"Here" she passes me my coat she borrowed.

I take it bowing my head "Thank you, love I was starting to miss this" I smile.

She started to attach the scabbard to her belt with struggle. I smile, walking over to her "Would you like me to help?".

She froze, looking up at me, hesitating "No I'm fine"

"You still don't trust me, do ya?"

She stands up straight to look at me "I do trust you"

"No you don't" I argued.

"Yes I do" she insisted.

"Yeah sure look" I place a hand on her shoulder, she froze staring at my hand

"I...just please don't touch me" she turns and fled to her room, slamming the door shut.

Sighing I turn and leave to the helm, watching my men making their way back onto the ship. "Alright men, ready the sails. Jenkins take over for me please" I order, swapping with Jenkins and made my way to, (Y\N)s room.

I quietly knocked on the door and waited. The door opened slightly, (Y\N) peeped through the gap.

"What?" She asks calmly.

"Let's me in I need to talk to you" I order softly.

"Don't order me around, Captain" she sighed.

"Sorry, just please open the door" I beg.

"Ok" she slowly opens the door, allowing me access.

"Thanks" I walk in closing the door behind me. "I'm sorry if I upset you before"

"You didn't...I just..." She slumped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I may not of had as bad as past, but I lost my parents then my brother. So after that I decided to become a pirate, fell in love and ended up losing her and my hand" I told her.

"So that's your life story" she sits up and looks at me.

"You don't have to tell me yours" I relive her, turning to leave.

"My farther abandoned my mother when she was pregnant with me" she began and I turned around and sat on a chair "So she raised me until the age of four and then we lost our home, our money. So this man took us in as slaves, he was kind. When I turned six the man couldn't take care of us so we were sold to a slave trader. My mother was killed by that bloody pirate when I was seven". She stops and wiped her eyes "Then after that I just worked at different houses. Cleaning and cooking" she finished.

"I'm sorry, love" I look at the ground, processing what she had just told me.

"Yeah well, it's in the past" she smiles at me "Thank you for everything you've done for me".

"Your welcome. I promise even though the first part of to your life hasn't been the best, but from now on I will make your life the way it should be, fun and exciting. And when your on the JollyRoger your life will be exciting" I promised her.

"Thank you" she looked up at me with a smile.

"Now come on out, you can trust everyone up there" I assure her, holding out my hand. To my surprise she took it, allowing me to lead out the room and onto deck.

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