Chapter eleven Promise

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A\N. Sorry this took so long,but I'm off for half term so I'm going to try and update as much as possible Any way enjoy the chapter my little auras xxx


"Pan is back!" Killian told his crew "He's coming here". "Why?" One of the men questioned. "Why do you think. That kid has issues" someone argued. "Great. I didn't expect to die on this ship" another huffed. "No one is going to die on this ship" Killian shouted. "What's the plan then captain?" Smee asked. Killian hesitated before answering "We fight. We fight until we drop. We stand together as a team and fight together to protect our lives and this ship". "I have a family, Hook and I don't plan on fighting with him again. I nearly lost my life last time" Jenkins scowled. "You can't just leave" Smee argued. "Yeah I can, Smee. I have a daughter to look after. I chose to stay on this ship for the money not for the fight" he spat. "What did you expect when joining my crew? We're pirates a fight was bound to happen" Killian questioned with anger in his tone. "A fight with other pirate where we stood a chance but not a three hundred year old boy who has powerful magic. We have no chance against him this time" Jenkins sighed. "We work together" Smee muttered. "I'm sure one man gone isn't going to change anything, Smee" he yelled at him. "Then leave. I'm not forcing you to do anything" Killian said calmly and pointed towards a small boat that hung from the Jolly Roger. "Fine" Jenkins spat and marched under deck to get his things. "Get ready men he will be here soon" Killian ordered his men and went to the helm.

I wondered down the stairs to, Jenkins room. He stood with a bag and packed his clothes and things in it. "You can't leave" I said quietly. He turned around and scowled at me " You can't tell me what I can or can't do" he spat. "Their counting on you" I muttered. "So what?" He turned away. "Their you friends" I told him with more anger in my voice than I meant. He stop and turn to me with rage written all over his face. "Shut up girl. You don't understand anything" he stormed towards me and caged me with his arms on either side of my head. My body frozen with fear, my heart began to beat fast and my breath shook. His eyes softened for a second before turning back to rage "I have a pregnant wife and a five year old daughter who needs me alive. I'm only here for the money to protect them, but if I die no one will be able to" he explained and back away. "You won't die if you work together with them" I whispered "they are your family too". He froze and looked down at me and sighed "I know but I can't take any risks". I nodded at his response and left him to pack. I wondered back up to deck. Killian had moved from the helm. I knocked on his door and got a response of 'Come in' from him. "Killian" I question and walked in. "(Y\N) what have you been up to?" He smiled. "I was just talking to, Jenkins" I told him. He sighed and stood from his desk where he had been working and strolled over to me "I understand his decision for leaving and I've also given the choice to the others" he explained. "Have anyone else left?" I asked. "No but non of them have family's apart from their crew mates" he sighed deeply "That choice is also given to you too. If you want to leave you may and after the boy is gone I'll come and find you". I shook my head "I have no where to go. Plus I'd rather stay here and fight along side with you" I smiled at him. "I don't wish for you to fight only for you to stay safe". "And what good would that be if I stood by and watched?" I questioned him. "Knowing your safe is all I want" he took my hand in his. "But I don't want to feel useless like I am. I want to fight to defend you and your crew" I explained. "(Y\N)-" he began. "Killian this is my decision" I whispered "I want to help you". "I don't want to break my promise. I don't want you to get hurt". I placed my free hand on his cheek and brushed my lips against his. "I won't get hurt unless you teach me how to fight". "Well, love teaching someone to fight takes a long time". "Well then teach me the basic stuff". "Ok well here" he passed me his sword "now hold it like this".

After hours of me nearly cutting off, Killians head the sun began to set. "You a fast learner" Killian smiled. "Well that's good" I smirked at him. "I suppose it is. Pan could come back any second" he sighed. "We'll be ready for when he does. Don't worry" I said and jumped over to the side of the deck and looked out at the beautiful ocean that looked red and orange from the sun's refelection. "I hope" Killian joined me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer in his side. "You've gotten very brave you know" he said and kissed to top of my head. "Well living on a ship with a bunch of men changes people" I smirked at him. He smirked back at me a sighed "Promise me you'll stay safe". "I promise if you promise to do the same". "Aye, love I promise". "Captain" a voice said from behind. We turned to see a sheepish, Jenkins. "Thought you had gone" Killian spoke. "Nah someone showed me that not only do I have family back home but also here" he smiled at me "and so I will do my best to protect my family no matter the consequences". "Well then get some rest, Jenkins" Killian smiles. Jenkins nodded and disappeared under deck. "Your full of surprises" he turned back to me and smirked. "Aye, captain I am" I smirked back at him. He laughed "You should get some rest as well". "Ok, goodnight" I pecked his cheek and made my way to my room. "(Y\N)" I turned to face him "your room is that way" he pointed. "I know" I grinned and carried on to his cabin with him following behind me. "Night captain" I said and climbed into his bed. "Goodnight, love" he said and climbed in next to me and wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me closer protectively. "Love you" I muttered. "Love you too" he said and kissed my cheek. "What does, Pan want?" I questioned. He hesitated before answering "Pan is a monster and gets easily bored. He finds hurting people is fun and that's what he wants. He wants to hurt people. He wants to hurt me and that scares me" he sighed deeply. I turned to face him and looked him in his blue orbs "Your crew won't let him hurt you. I won't let him hurt you". "I fear he doesn't want to hurt me physically. He wants to hurt me emotionally by hurting those I care about. My ship, my" he sighed and stroked a piece of hair from my face. "You don't need to worry about me". "Yes I do. I've lost too many that were my fault and I don't want to add you to my list" he cupped my cheek with his hand. "I'll be fine" I assure him. "I hope" he gave me a weak smile and passionately kiss my lips before pulling me closer. "I don't want to lose you". "You won't. not matter what I'll always be with you" I told him before falling into a deep sleep.

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