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I walked out of the airport to see Mary leaning up against her ford truck.
"Hey." She said in a chipper tone.
"Hi. Let's go to work." I opened the back door and flung my bag in there. I took my weapons out the bag and placed them where they should be.
"You don't want to go home first?" She asked getting in.
"No I have some things to do at the office first." I climbed in and buckled my seat belt.
"Okay." She aired starting the loud truck.
We drove the twenty minutes pulling into the parking lot, I saw half the crew waiting. I groaned getting out.
"Emma! You're back!" My friend Belle ran up to me smothering me in a hug.
"What's going on?" I asked half smiling. Her smile only grew.
"How long did you think you could keep this from me?" She was practically jumping up and down.
"I'm confused." I looked to Marry who only shrugged.
"Ruby's pregnant. She came by looking for you to tell you." My heart dropped.
"Is she here?" She shook her head.
"No she at your house waiting for you. I thought you knew." Her smile dropped.
"I didn't." I looked at the other officers to see them confused as well.
"I'm sorry I ruined your wife's surprise." Apologized Belle.
"No actually I was heading there now." I motioned for Marry to take me home.
She nodded and got back in and took me to my house.
I grabbed my bag and walked up the front steps of my house. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open.
I dropped my bag by the door and walked to the kitchen.
"Your back." I turned to see Ruby in sweats and one of my old shirts.
"Your pregnant. Is it mine or did your girl have a dick too?" I snapped. She looked down guilty.
"It's yours." She whispered. That's when I noticed she was crying. I walked over to her lifting her chin up so I could see into her eyes.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked gently.
"She told me that I had to get rid of the baby in order to be with her because the kid would have been half you. I don't mind you being the other parent. I was so stupid to go looking for another when I had my true love with me." She cries softly at first. I pulled her into my arms and let her sob on my shoulder.
"Hey hey. I'm here. I'm here." I soothed. My anger went out the window.
"I'm so sorry Emma. Please don't leave me." I rocked side to side.
"I won't I'm here. For you and the baby." I pulled her way by her shoulders looking her in the eyes. I smiled weakly before gently pulling her lips to mine.

Six months later:
"What do you want?" I asked smiling at Ruby who was sitting next to me in our booth at a restaurant.
"I want a bowl of fruit and whip cream." She told the waiter.
"And I'll have a burger." We handed him our menus and smiled at each other. I rubbed her stomach.
"How is out little boy?" I asked. She giggled placing her hand in mine.
"The baby's fine it's me you should worry about. I'm hungry." She husked. I gave her a knowing look.
"Oh really." I whispered kissing behind her ear. Our food came pulling us back into the reality that we are in public.
I ate my food occasionally stealing a grape or two with whipped cream.
When we finished we walked up to the front to pay. The door behind me opened the bell dinging their presence. I paid for the meal and turned around.
I froze to my spot before taking  Ruby's hand and gently pulled her past the woman.
We where almost to my Pontiac when someone called my name.
"Swan?!" I turned to see Regina by hers.
"Do I know you?" I asked keeping back tears. I pulled Ruby close showing off her large bump.
"I'm sorry must be another Swan." She looked down and got in her identical car and drove off.
I took a deep breath before opening the passenger door for her. She smiled with a wink before I shut the door.
I walked around to the other side but paused looking at the car as it disappeared down the road toward the exit that led to Storybrooke. 

Swan And Her QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant