A old friend

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"Captain?" "Aw your majesty how's the trip going so far?" "Cut the crap. You little test back there wasn't worth it. I'm getting another car so it'll be about an hour or so before we get to the next checkpoint." "Fine." He hung up. I growled and stuffed my phone back in my pocket.
"So what now? There is a car dealer ship up the road." She offered.
"No I have a friend that has fast cars that I can use."  She nodded and turned the car on.
"Where to?" I pointed straight. She skidded out of the parking lot and onto the Main Street.
"Left." She turned at the next light. I watched as each beautiful house went by. It made me think of how Henry was with my sister and I was on a run.
"Here." We stopped at a two story country house. It had a jacked up four door 2016 ford sitting in the drive next to a 2016 Ford Fusion.
She parked on the curb and got out.
"Stay here." She sat on the hood. I walked up the walk to the porch. I took a deep breath before opening the screen and tapping the door. It opened with a woman smiling but when she saw me she frowned.
"Regina. What are you doing here?" The blonde asked.
"Mal. I need to borrow Jack." I said uncomfortable. She looked over my shoulder at Emma.
"I thought you dropped the captain." She returned her attention to me.
"I did but I had to do one more. You can understand that can't you?" She sighed.
"It's been a cop magnet, so I put it out with the other." My brows raised.
"Other? You still have it?" I asked quietly as if someone was listening.
"Keys are under the seat. Hurry I don't want my daughter to see you taking it." I nodded and walked in the house. It looked just like it did when I was here last. I made my way to the back door and flung it open. Her Great Dane Dragon was sitting next to his dog house. I paused for a second before going over to the garage.
I lifted the door up to reveal a 87 Pontiac and a 79 Dodge Charger. That car had seen many runs. It was the car that I drove on my runs before I had ever meet Henry's father. I smiled trailing my hand up the dark blue hood. I opened the door to see that my first leather jacket was sitting on the seat. I almost cried.
"After the wreck I got it fixed. I found the jacket and thought that's where it belonged." I turned to see Mal standing at the front.
"I thought it got junked." She smiled lightly.
"No I managed to smuggle it back here. I worked on it for the next 6 years. It hasn't been on the street for almost 13 years. Plus some." I sighed happily. My eye caught movement on the street. Just then my phone rang.
"Regina! Get your ass out here the cops are heading our way!" She hung up.
"Shit sorry Mal love to stay and chat but got to drift." She chuckled and walked back to the house.
I dropped into the leather seat and thruster my hand under the seat and found the keys. I shoved it in and started it up. It roared to life. Oh how I missed it. I threw the it into drive and stomped the gas.
It launched out of the garage and onto the drive way. There was enough room for me to go between the two vehicles.
I smiled and drifted into the street. Emma waited for me to pass before following me.
I could barely hear the sirens over the roar of the engine. And my adrenaline.
I glanced in my rear view to see Emma on my tail.
I grinned and went faster. I skidded around the next corner and made my way down to the back road few know of.
It was now asphalt but it was still abandoned. I glanced at the gas to see it all the way full. Mal knew I'd be back.
I glanced back to see Emma a little way behind me. She had a couple cruisers on her tail. She was on the phone again.

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