Mrs. Swan

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It's been about a year sense I saw Emma last. After I saw her at that cafe with her wife I stopped trying. I stopped the runs and only do the races once a week instead of every night that I don't work.
Henry is now fourteen. He's wanting me to go out and get a girlfriend but I keep telling him that I don't need one. I went to work that day in my new car.
I needed something to drive that did t remind me of the blonde. I still had my Pontiac but it stayed in the garage.
I walked into the hospital to see a bunch of commotion.
I furrowed my brows and walked to the crowded ER. I got in to see ambulances parked outside unloading blood covered people.
"What's going on?" I asked a nurse named Mulan.
"There was a shooting. Some are dead others injured. There is also some officers that were shot that are in critical condition." She said not looking up from her clip board. I set my stuff down and scrubbed in. I walked around looking at all the faces till I saw two familiar officers standing by a body.
"Officers Nolan." I said through the mask.
"Doctor Mills?" David asked turning to to me. That's when I got a good look at who the body belonged to. Tears started to form in my eyes.
"Emma." I whispered scanning her body, noticing two bullet wholes in her side. Her face was pale.
"She was shot trying to protect her wife and son." Mary cried. Her husband pulled her closer to him. I moved to her side and felt for a pulse. I couldn't feel one so I got out a heart monitor and hooked her up.
"She was pronounced dead on spot." David wept. I ignored him and kept on going. When it was ready I watched the screen waiting for something. A moment later there was a faint beat. A long moment later another. It kept on like that for a while.
"She's alive." I tore open her red leather jacket trying to get a better look at the wound when a note dropped out of the pocket. I stuffed it in my pocket and removed her shirt. The last time I had seen her with out a shirt was for ever ago. I knew I had to keep my mind on saving her and not kissing her.
I asked the officers to leave for I did t want them to see what I was about to do.
"Nurse!" I yelled and two came running over. "She's alive. We need to get the bullets out and repair what we can now." I growled.
A half hour later she was on her way to a recovery room. I held up the bullets in the plastic bag and placed them in a tray for the police.
After a long day of helping patients I made my way to Emma's room.
The door was open where I could see a tall brunette with a little boy on her lap talking to an awake Swan. I smiled sadly knowing I shouldn't intrude. But I had to.
I walked in with her chart.
"Sorry to disrupt you Mrs. Swan. But I need to ask your wife to leave for it is the end of visiting hours she may come back tomorrow around seven thirty." I said all this with out looking up filling in her paper work.
They kissed and said goodbye before exiting. When the door shut I looked up and went to her and started to do a routine of a checkup.
"Is it really the end of visiting hours or did you make that up?" She questioned looking at me.
"No I didn't make it up Mrs. Swan. Now are the painkillers doing anything to help subside the pain in your side?" I asked raising a brow.
"Your a pain in my side." She mumbled. "Regina why are you here?" I looked at her confused.
"Well Mrs. Swan I'm a doctor and I'm the one that saves your life. And I'm guessing you read my tag in order to know my name?" She rolled her eyes.
"Really? Your going to play the whole I don't know you game?" I scoffed.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Swan but I have a job to do I have never seen you in my life. Now unless your one of my patients that come in on rare occasions I'm sorry for not being friendlier." I knew who she was I just wanted to play the same game she did. I like it when I can bend the rules and players to my will.
"Cut it Regina you know who I am. Thank you for saving me." She mumbled the last part.
"Your welcome but I have another patient to attend to." I smiled slightly and went to leave.
"Come back later we need to talk." She called after. But I left with out a response.

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