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I woke up to someone yelling. I opened my eyes to see Emma by the window.
"Just know that when I get back from my business trip you and that hoe better be out of my house.......shut up you don't get to speak Dorothy this isn't Kansas......bitch this has nothing to do with you at the moment this is between me and Ruby my soon to be Ex wife.......I get that your currently dating her but that gives you no reason to butt into our conversation......the sooner she has the phone the sooner the shit you two started can be over......Ruby I want you and your pet out of my house with in the hour if your not you know my connections I'll get something on you so don't you dare take anything that's mine......of course I did. You think I would have married you if I didn't love you? It breaks my heart that you went and did this shit behind my back when we are married.........have a fucking good life girls you'll be hearing from my lawyer." She hung up and dropped her phone on the bed and ran her hands through her hair. I cleared my throat and her head snapped to me.
"It's time to go." Was all she said before grabbing black skinny jeans and tank top. She grabbed her bra and got dressed pulling her boots on right after. I got up and undressed down to my bra and underwear. She watched me the hole time so I decided to put on a show.
I bent over and picked out another pair of leather pants and pulled them on with ease. I turned around and pulled a red tank on. She was sitting in the bed.
"Do you have to be any hotter?" She moaned. I bite my lip and walked over to her till I was between her legs.
"I'm a little hot bothered if you know what I mean." I whispered seductivily.
I placed my hand on her member and felt it harden under my touch.
"I do but it'll have to wait." My phone started to go off meaning someone's messing with the cars.
"Let's go!" I pulled my boots on grabbing my black leather jacket. My hair wasn't even combed but I didn't care. I grabbed my bag and ran out Emma on my heels. We raced down the stairs and into the lobby.
"Keys in the room!" Emma yelled running out of the entrance. We ran all the way to the storage to see our cars in the open. I ran to my car and shoved my bag into the back Emma followed. And then I went to Emma's car and she popped the trunk. She popped my trunk before helping Me grab the big case and lift it into mine.
We closed the trunks and got in, her in the drivers for some reason and me in the passenger. I gave her the keys and we were off.
She stomped the gas the wheels turning the gravel underneath. I didn't bother buckling though. When we got to the high way we attracted a cop.
He turned his lights on and sped after us.
"Don't slow down we can't stop." I yelled. She white knuckled the steering wheel and pushed the accelerator all the way down. I held the 'oh shit' handle.
She reached into her pocket and produced her phone. She dialed a number.
"Get them off my ass. I don't care how you do it I need them off my ass now.....NOW." She growled before hanging up.
"Who'd you call?" I asked reaching for the glove box where an extra brush was.
"One of my connections. Their the reason we haven't had cops on us the whole time." She explained not slowing down. I looked back to see the cop turned his lights and siren off and had slowed down.
"Then why don't you slow down so we don't attract anymore?" She loosened her grip and the car came back down. I noticed we where going about 120. We where now going 85.  The speed limit was 80. I sighed when she relaxed.
"Okay." She whispered. I moved over so I was leaning against her.
"I'm still hot bothered." I husked. She smirked.
"Do something about it." I undid her button and zipper. She gasped slightly when I placed my hand firm on her member.
"I just might." I moved the cloth away so it could come out. When it was out she bite her lip. I grasped it firmly in my hand and moved slowly up and down.
"Yes you did." She moaned. I moved my head down and placed my lips at the tip. I licked the small slit she shivered.
I moved my mouth down so it was in my mouth. I estimated that she was a good seven. She groaned when I got to the base. By that time my gag reflex kicked in and I moved up. I went like that a couple times before I tightened my grip and bobbed.
Her right hand found my hair and she moaned my name.
"Regina." I felt the car go faster which made me go faster. "God Regina I'm gonna cum." She groaned. I took my mouth away and she slowed down whimpering. I wrapped my hand around it and pumped. She cam on the wheel which made me giggle.
"I don't know how that fixed your problem though." She said wiping the sperm off with a tissue from the door.
"I had to get you off at least once because you've already done so much for me." I whispered. She bite the side of her mouth and pulled off an exit.
"We got to check with the captain. We need to figure out why our cars were out in the open." She said when we stopped at the light.
"Ya I bet I know what happened though." I sat back in my seat and smiled because of what I just did.

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