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"I don't fucking care! I said I wanted them off my tail now! They are compromising this!" "I know but they are out of my reach. I don't have ties with them! You have to do this one on your own! By the way Ruby is out of your house I even checked all your stuff is there." "Right now I don't care about that. Right now I care about keeping my cover!" "I know I know!" "I have to go!" I hung up and shoved my phone under my thigh.
I reached for the NOS button with my thumb. I pressed the first one and felt the energy release.
Reginas tail came up fast. I had to swerve around her to avoid a wreck. As soon as I passed I could see a forest coming up fast.
I could no longer see the cops behind Regina. I reached for the secret CB radio under the dash and tuned it with one hand.
"Smokey come on smokey." I let go of the button. "This is smokey who is this?" "This is Detective Swan. Your chasing me." "This is Sharif Notingham." "I need you guys to pull back." "Sorry m'am but I need you to pull over." "I'm on a government official business. The woman driving behind me is another detective. Unless I need to talk to my boss and get you fired I suggest you pull back." I growled. "Yes m'am." I shoved it back under the dash and felt the NOS coming down. I drove another hour before I saw some cabins coming up. Regina passed me and turned on to a street with multiple cabins on it. She pulled into a drive of one and the door opened.
She pulled in and waited for me to shut off her car.
I whistled at her car.
"That's a beast." I mumbled.
"It's an old friend." That's when I noticed she was carrying an old leather jacket.
I followed her into the cabin to see every surface furnished by polished wood.
"Ok what are we doing here?" I sat down on a brown leather couch.
"This place belongs to the captain." She pulled a drawer out of the island and the top lifted up and turned over.
It was now a monitoring screen.
I got up and stood next to her looking down.
There was six video feeds from all over the property.
First the front door. Second back door. Third roof top circling. Forth garage. Fifth basement. Sixth on us.
"Ok so what do we do know?" She set it to alert if anyone that wasn't us walked around the property.
"We finish what we started earlier." She husked. I smirked before pushing the drawer in and waiting for the top to settle down again before picking her up by the hips and setting her on top of it.
I rested my forehead on hers and ghosted my lips over hers. I leaned in reluctantly connecting our lips. At first it was a slow passionate kiss but turned into a fierce chase kiss.
She shoved her tongue in my mouth moaning when it met mine.
I was just starting to pull her tank up when a small alarm went off. Regina groaned and hoped off.
She pulled the drawer out the top flipping.
The first screen showed two black  jeeps. Four men got out but the second one the back hatch opened. The men went back and produced large shot guns.
"Dammit." Regina cursed. She reached for the bottom cabinet. I looked to see she had grabbed two 45 calibers and two extra already loaded clips.
"What are we doing?" She typed something in and shoved the drawer in.
"We have ten minutes lets go." She grabbed the jacket and rushed to the garage. She threw the jacket in the passenger window and went around and got in herself.
"Is this about the money or the jacket?" I got in and started my car.
"It's about me. I shouldn't have stopped here but we need to get gas two towns over." She started her car and the engine growl echoed off the walls. She nodded and the door slid open.
She threw her car into reverse and slipped out. She didn't wait for me to get to the street before taking off.
I huffed and sped after her.
The men had returned to their jeeps and we're now pursuing us.
Regina made sharp turns. I decided that if use that tracker in her phone and find her later. I kept straight. I drove and turned left then right then left again. I only had one jeep after me. At one moment when I couldn't see them I pulled up behind one of the cabins and sat there. I heard them fly past totally oblivious.
I took out my phone and went to find retinas phone.
But her tracker said she was still in Storybrooke. Shit Regina now what am I supposed to do? She must have switched phones some how.
I waited a couple more minutes before finding my way back to the high way. I drove two towns over which took about and hour. I pulled up to a gas station and up to a pump.
I got out and slammed my door.
"God Regina where are you?" I mumbled to myself. I drug a hand through my hair and grabbed the nozzle opening the tank knob open. I waved my hand to the camera at the top.
The numbers started to role. I nodded and they stopped. I put the nozzle in and pulled the latch up. I leaned against the side waiting for it to fill up all the way.
I closed my eyes for a moment. This was going to take a while. When the pop signaled it was filled I pulled it out and waved to the camera again.

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