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I pulled up in my red charger and let it run as the people started to check it out. I turned it off and grabbed the keys sticking them in my black leather jacket zip pocket. I got out and was greeted by a man.
"Hey you must be The Queen. I'm Neal." I shook his hand but didn't look at him. I looked around for the blonde but there was endless blondes there.
"Your Majesty!" Robin yelled barging through the crowd. "You up for a four race about a mile trip? 10k to drive though." He said when he finally got to me.
"Ya sure. Hey Neal you driving?" I asked sarcastic.
"Ya." He dug in his pocket and produced a wad off bills. I placed mine and so did he before going over to an old bills wagon bug.
"Seriously? Your racing in that death trap?" I laughed.
"Yep." He said with a smile before getting in. I smirked before ducking into mine.
The crowd parted and I drove to the start. Neal parked next to me and a black ford with Leroy and then a Blue GT with darkened windows pulled up. Robin moved to the window and it rolled down. I saw them exchange a convo before the man stepped out. I furrowed my brow confused until I saw blonde hair and a red leather jacket. She stopped in and closed the door figuring with everything on the inside.
"You had to get your boy friend to pull it up for ya sister?" Leroy joked.
"No I had my friend bring it to the race because I just got here." Her gaze caught mine but I just stared. She smiled slightly but then looked foreword. The next thing I heard was go and I was launched foreword. I sped off down the rode with everyone next to me or behind me. I shifted and went I front of the bug. I was surprised it could get a good start like this. I was leading the pack and made a sharp turn to the left. My tires drifting. When I was straight I had a clear view of the finish line. And again the blonde was to early. She went passing by me. I smiled and waited three seconds before throwing my thrusters jerking foreword. I flew next to the blonde bumper for bumper. I was a foot ahead when we passed. I came to a stop a while later and sat there till a knock on my window disrupted me from my thoughts.
"Your winnings M'lady." He said as he handed me the stack. I pulled out two thousand of the forty and gave it to him.
"Go on. That kid of yours needs a new toy." I winked. Robin and I used to go out but then we just lost interest in each other.
I went to start up again when my passenger side opened.
"Evening." She said.
"Ms. Swan." I stated coldly.
"That's me. Congrats on your win though it's not surprising you the best driver here." I rolled my eyes and looked to her.
"What can I do for you Ms. Swan?" She raised a brow.
"I think the question is what can I do for you?" She husked leaning foreword and winked.
"Let me think," I lifted my finger to the underside of her chin.
"Decided?" She mumbled. I hummed my agreement before smashing our lips together. Before things got intense her phone stopped us. She sighed and looked at it.
"I'll meet you at your house and we'll continue." She pecked my lips before getting out. I poured and started it up.

Emma's POV
I answered as soon as I got out of the car.
"Hey baby." I unlocked my door and got in.
"Hey love. Granny is going to be in the hospital longer than we thought so it might be two weeks. Come up when you get time off." I frowned.
"It's that bad? But I miss you!" She giggled on the other end.
"Think of me."
"Always do. I love you."
"I love you too good night." She said in a flirty tone. I was about to hang up when I noticed that she hadn't hung up yet. I placed my hand over the mic and placed it to me ear.
"Yes. We have another two weeks."
"Great. When are you going to tell her?" It was another woman.
"I don't know how she'll take it baby."
"But you can't be mine if your still married to her." I held back my tears. Yes I sorta cheated. But that was for my job. I didn't feel anything! But she wasn't even in love with me anymore! She was cheating for real and using her grandma as a deco to go do it.
"Hey Mrs. Swan! Or should I say Ms. Lucas? Learn to fucking hang up!" I screamed and hung up throwing my phone into the passenger side and flooring the pedal. I sped off to Regina's house.
When I pulled up I parked in the drive way and jumped out locking the doors. I ran to the door and before I could knock it was opened to show her in a silk rob. I wasted no time and crashed my lips to hers shutting the door. I lefties her up by her ass her long legs wrapping around my waist. I walked up the stairs not once breaking the kiss and walked to her room. She jumped down still losing me slightly pulling my top lip and opened the door. She pushed me to her bed and laid on top of me.
"My sons at his grandmas we don't have to be quite tonight." She husked and assaulted my neck. I moaned in response. Before when I said I felt nothing I was wrong. I now felt something I never felt for any off my ex's.
She started to u do my shirt and went to my pants. When she pulled off my pants she went to go to my under wear but I stopped her. She looked at me confused. I brought her back up and sealed our lips again. I rolled over so I was on top. I kissed down her jaw. I came to her spot behind her ear and she moaned.
"Ms.....Swan..... We need" She said in between loud moans and gasps.
"Talk away." I started to mark when she lightly pushed me back.
"Not like this." I nodded and pulled back and sat up.
"What wrong?" I asked placing my hand on her thigh.
"I want to get to know you. The real you." I inwardly frowned.
"Well I promise to tell you everything after I make love to you." She sighed but laid back down. I kissed her again before moving down to her robe. I undid the rope and pulled the cloth off her. She was t wearing anything which made me smile. I kissed down to her mound and placed and kiss before ducking down. I placed a firm kiss to her folds before taking a couple long licks making her squirm to make me go where she wanted me most.
"Stop teasing me." She whined. I laughed and started to circle her clit. Her hips started to buckle wanting more. I zigged my tongue over and over her finally coming in my mouth. She screamed in pleasure and when she settled down again I wasted not time in shoving three fingers in her. She screamed again in both pain and pleasure.
"Damn your tighter than I remember." I moaned. She whimpered a little. I drew back then forth a couple strokes.
"Faster harder!" She groaned. I smirked before pumping quick my fingers slightly curled to get her g spot perfect. I could feel her walls contracting meaning she was close.
"I'm close!" She yell/moaned. I added my tongue to her clit and she started bucking meeting my thrust and her body shivered her legs shaking.
"Eemmmmmmaaaaaaa!" She screamed high pitched. I slowed to ride out her orgasm. When her back hit the bed again I snuggled up to her. Keeping my hips away. I looked to her face. She was panting her eyes closed.
"I need a little nap. Those orgasms I need to recover from. After believe me you'll get the exact same treatment." I kissed the side of her mouth and let her rest her tired head on my shoulder. I was only in my braw and boxers.
"Alright baby girl." I whispered kissing the top of her head.
"Why do you wear boxers?" She asked half awake.
"Because." I sighed and waited. A few minutes later and her breathing evened out. I gently let her head move to the pillow before rolling off. I grabbed my pants and shirt then my jacket. I made sure I left nothing and went down to the kitchen when I found it. I moved to the place with fake leaves and waved knowing they where watching. I then walked to the fridge where there were a shopping list not pad and pen attached. I tore a piece out and grabbed the pen. I then wrote my number and a little note telling her to call me and that something came up.
I got in my car and drove to my house noticing that Ruby's car was parked in the garage. I rolled my eyes and stormed into the house.
"Emma!" She was in tears and came running to kiss me but I turned my head.
"How could you?" I yelled in tears.
"I-" she was cut off by the other woman. She was a brunette I'd be a liar if I said she wasn't pretty but she was.
"Excuse me." She glared at me.
"Who the fuck are you? What let me guess. The one that's been fucking my wife for gods know how long and knew she was married and didn't think it was wrong once?" I sized her up.
"Look I hate that it has come to this-" I interrupted her with my finger.
"No you do t get to speak. This isn't your house. Or yours anymore." I pointed to Ruby.
"You can't kick me out of my house." She countered still in tears.
"You mean MY house. Last I checked my name is the only one on the papers. You can pack a couple bags of YOUR stuff and then leave. We are through. I'll send the divorce papers when I get them." I yelled my mussels tensed.
I wanted so bad just to punch the both of them but I didn't.

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