Chapter 15 END

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Finally, after months of living in that hell, I'm going home. I'm going to see Gerard.

I can't even express how happy I am right now. I've been practically floating all day, waiting for the clock to tell me it's time to leave.

Two o'clock could not come sooner.

I woke up at the usual time, ate breakfast, and finished packing, but it was still barely ten. So I forced myself to pass the time by watching TV in the rec room, but that only kept me occupied for about twenty minutes.

I did stupid little shit to keep me busy, and even though it still felt like five million years had passed, it had kept me from feeling anxious and thinking about what I was going to do when I got out.

Well, obviously I knew what I was going to do. I wad going to go see Gerard, but I didn't know what I was going to do when I went to go see him. Because my life is a fucking mess and I can't do anything without fucking up and-

No. No I was not going to think like that. I was going to go see Gerard and hug him and love him and wait for him to get better and be released from Blueman.

See? I did learn something from my time inside this stupid place.

Anyways, I was in the middle of redoing a puzzle for the fifth time when a nurse interrupted me.

"Iero, your ride is here." She pronounced my last name like "year-oh" but at this point in time I didn't even care enough about her to correct it, since I was getting the fuck out of there anyways.

"Coming!" I jumped up immediately and followed her out of the room.

"Your bags are already in the car." She informed me as she lead me to reception, where my parents were waiting for me.

"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you!" My mom went to hug me but I stopped her.

"Proud of me for what? Doing exactly what I was gonna do at Blueman? You know what? Just take me home, I don't even care." I walked past her and my dad and jumped into the backseat of the car, ready to just leave that hellhole.

My parents got in the car shortly after me. They didn't say anything as we traveled across the fucking city, going home.

"When can I visit Gerard?" I asked, breaking the fifteen minute silence.

"You're still going on about that?" My mom asked distastefully.

"That, as you so respectfully put it, is the sole reason why I gritted my teeth the entire time I was in that dtupid hospital as well as why I'm even leaving said hospital."

"Honey, it's just a phase! You're too young to know if you're actually interested in men that way."

"So I'm too young to know my sexuality unless it's straight? Is that what you're saying mom?"

"Well yes, because straight is natural and gay is-"

"Don't even go there, bitch. Don't you dare say that gay is unnatural because in most species being gay is perfectly natural and normal, so shut the fuck up about it being unnatural."

"Don't talk to your mother like that, young man!" My dad roared.

"I can talk to her any way I want, since she never actually acted like my fucking mother!" The car went silent for another couple of minutes after that.

After a few minutes I noticed where we were and said, "Stop the car."

"What?" My dad asked.

"Stop the fucking car!" I screamed at him.

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