Chapter 3

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When I walked into my room Gerard was already sitting on my bed awkwardly, waiting for me to arrive.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get the hell off of my bed!" I yelled at him, causing him to jump about 20 feet into the air. He quickly scrambled off of the bed, muttering a string of 'sorry's.

"It's cool, just don't do it again without my permission. And since we're apparently 'roomies' now, Dr. Stupid Ass is making me let you sit with me." I grumbled, acting like it was a total inconvenience for me. Okay, that last part was a complete lie, but I kind of liked him sitting with me, not that I would ever say that out loud.

"Okay." He said with his eyes looking at his shoes awkwardly.

"Okay, let's get these awkward introductions over with. I'm Frank, don't fucking touch my stuff without my permission, I'm gay and I don't have any friends in this place, so if you're expecting me to introduce you to people you are shit out of luck." His head snapped up at the mention of the word 'gay.'

"'re gay?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"No! Not at all! I was just surprised because I wasn't expecting to meet anyone else that was gay." He admitted shyly.

"Cool, so we are both gay. At least we have that in common." I shrugged.

"I guess it's my turn, then. I'm Gerard, I love music and drawing."

"Okay, I guess I'm supposed to like help you, or something? I don't know, but I guess I can take you on a tour of this damn place that's more like hell than anything else." I suggested while starting to walk towards the door.

"Sure, that's fine, I guess." He nodded before following me out of my- I mean our room.


"And that's it, basically." I finished the tour by walking back to our room from the bathroom that was right down the hall.

"What do we do now?" He asked me, not knowing the schedule yet.

"Well, we have about 10 minutes before lunch in the cafeteria. So you can either hang out in the room until Patrick comes to get you, since he's your nurse, wait in the common room with everyone else or get to the cafeteria early."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Hang out in the room and then annoy Patrick when he comes to take me to the cafeteria."

"Do you mind if I hang with you?" Gerard asked shyly. Damn this kids was seriously socially awkward.

"I guess not, since this is your room to." I shrugged before closing the door behind us and laying down on my bed. Gerard followed suit by laying down in his own bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Frank, how old are you?" He asked me after about a minute of silence.

"Seventeen. You?"

"Same." He hesitated before asking, "What do you do in here to pass the time?"

"Read, watch T.V. in the common room, talk, sleep, go outside to the courtyard and basically anything else that doesn't involve dangerous objects or the internet."

"Where do you get books?"

"Your family brings them to you, after the staff looks through them for anything dangerous."

"Then I'm screwed." He laughed humorlessly.

"You can borrow some of mine, if you want. But they're comics so..." I trailed off at the end, letting my offer linger for awhile. I didn't want to ask him about his family yet, since I barely met the guy.

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