Chapter 9

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Gerard was acting more cautious around me for a couple of days after we had snuck out. At night he would sing to me until I fell asleep and always ask if I was okay, not that I minded. However, it was getting quite annoying having your boyfriend tiptoe around you.

Three days later, Gerard and I were walking to our room after arts and crafts when the Devil herself stepped in front of me.



"What happened to the Doctor that I worked so hard to earn?"

"Up your dad's ass, where I put it last night."

"Please be professional, Frank," She looked over and saw Gerard trying to hold back a giggle, "You too, Gerard."

"Sorry, Ma'am." He said, bowing his a head a little.

"Is that all? Because Gerard and I were hoping to just relax in our cell before lunch so..."

"It's not a cell, it's a room. We've been over this before, Frank."

"Same thing." I shrugged, starting to walk past her, but was stopped by her hand on my shoulder.

"We have a session today, Frank."

"Goddammit." I sighed.

"Language! Gerard, you can go on to your room, Frank will catch up to you after our session."

"Um, o-okay then. I'll, uh, see you later." He awkwardly waved at me before turning and walking down the hall.

"Lead the way, Portman." I said, gesturing dramatically to her office.


"Frank, I've been noticing some things."

"Oh please, do tell."

"You've been acting very different lately."

"What gives you that idea?"

"Let's just say that you and Gerard's little, uh, adventure a few nights ago did not go unnoticed."

"What are you talking about, Portman." I snapped.

"I went to check on you two last night and noticed your beds were empty. I assumed you went outside, seeing as you're fascinated with the stars, and checked the courtyard before notifying anyone. I went outside and saw you two under the tree, I snuck a little closer to hear what you two were saying. Please excuse my eavesdropping. You two are quite cute together, I'll admit it. And he is very good at calming you down. However, I'm not here to discuss your love life and relationship. I'm here to talk about Luna and how she, uh, affected you that night."

"Thanks, I know we're cute as fuck. And you are absolutely not excused for eavesdropping! Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners, Portman!"

"Frank, I want you to tell me about Luna."

"And I want complete freedom, but that will never happen, will it?"

"Frank..." Portman said warningly.

"Look, I'm fine. As long as I have Gee, I'll be fine." I said, more to myself that her.

"Gee?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Gerard. I, uh, call him Gee." I said, squirming in my seat, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Aww, isn't that adorable."

"Don't patronize me, Portman."

"I'm not! That is genuinely adorable. Young love is just so cute."

"Okay, sure, you creep. Now can I go?"

"Fine, but we need to talk soon." She sighed grudgingly.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Later, Portman." I waved behind me, walking out of her office.




"What did you guys talk about?"

"You know."

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew."

I sighed, "Apparently she spied on us when we were in the courtyard a couple nights ago."

"So she knows about us?" He asked, worried.

"Yeah, but that's not what she wanted to talk about. Actually, she said that we were really cute together. I think she is the first Ferard shipper."

"Hold up, Ferard?"

"Yeah, that's our ship name."

"Okay, whatever, moving on."


"If she didn't want to talk about us," he said, gesturing to both of us, "then what did she want to talk about?"

"You know."

"Again, I wouldn't be asking if I knew, now would I?"

"She wanted to talk about-"


"Excuse me, rude! I was talking!"

"Since when did I care about your basic human rights?"

"Again, rude."

"I didn't say anything."

Shit, not again.

"I, uh, didn't mean to saw that out loud." I said, looking at my feet.

"Oh," he lifted my head so that I would look him in the eye, "that's what she wanted to talk about."

"I told you you already knew." I laughed lightly.

"You dork." He rolled his eyes, before crashing his lips on mine.

Sometime later, I'm not really sure how much later, we pried away from each other, gasping for breath.

"I love you." I gasped.

"I love you, too." He gasped, pulling me to him once more, collapsing on the bed with me to his chest.

"Let's see for how long." Then a bone chilling laugh echoed throughout the room, slowly fading out.

A/N: Hello my lovelies! This is all just diolague, I'm sorry. This is also very short a crappy, but I wanted to update because it's been over a month and I felt really bad! But expect slower updates because not only am I going to school, but I also joined soccer recently and that has been taking up a lot of my time and energy. So sorry about that. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter nevertheless and please give me some feedback because I always appreciate it.

Till next time,


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