Chapter 4

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Gerard and I stayed up well into the night just talking. Most of that time was spent by me telling my story.

I told him how about a year ago I was depressed. I thought my friends were all just being nice to me because of moral obligation, etc. A couple of weeks later I started self harming by snapping a rubber band against my skin. It got so bad that one time I took off a layer of skin. A couple of weeks later I resulted to cutting my leg. That was when the first voice came. He told me that I was a fuck up and a coward all the time and I believed him. Then one night, I saw a pair of red eyes looking at me when my eyes were closed. I opened them and didn't see anything, but heard Luna. She told me her name and has tormented me from then on. I felt suicidal, partly because of Luna telling me to do it and partly because of my own will.

About two months after Luna first came up, it got really bad. I started questioning my sanity. Luna told me that the only reason she hasn't showed herself to me yet was because the second I saw her, I would break. She wanted to prolong my torture, so she didn't revealed herself to me for a long time. Then one day I was shopping at Walmart and saw someone's long white hair whisk down an aisle. I freaked out and ran after her, yelling her name. She just laughed at me, and let me see just her hair, until I chased her into a corner. Then she turned around and ran straight at me, then whispered in my ear, "Boo."

I fell to the ground in fetal position, screaming and crying. My mom rushed to me and tried to calm me down, but when she wasn't able to, she called 911. I was put into an ambulance and was sent here, diagnosed with mild paranoid schizophrenia.

I don't believe that crap, though. But whatever helps them sleep at night, as they say.

Gerard pulled me into a bone-crushing hug when I had finished my story for at least five minutes. We just sat, there, on my bed, in each other's arms. He pulled away first, smiling sheepishly. For the next couple of hours we talked about stupid crap like comic books and music and such. We ended up falling asleep next to each other without realizing it. We woke up to Patrick knocking on the door, announcing that breakfast was ready.

We both groaned and sat up. It was only then that we both realized how close we were and we both blushed. I stood up first, closely followed by Gerard. He walked over to his side of the room and we got dressed with our backs to each other. Then we proceeded to walk to the cafeteria together.

I got my food and sat down at my table, not expecting him to follow me, so I was pleasantly surprised to see him sit down across from me. He looked up and smiled at me before eating his cornflakes.

"Frank, can you please stop staring at me while I'm eating my cornflakes?" Gerard asked with his head down. I shook my head. I didn't even realize that I was staring at him.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine, just kind of unnerving." Gerard shrugged, then continued, "And I don't like getting bad vibes when I'm eating my cornflakes."

"Bad vibes?" I questioned him with my eyebrows raised.

"Staring gives off bad vibes." He shrugged again, as if it was obvious.

I just nodded in response. The next couple of minutes were spent in silence as I gathered the courage to talk about last night.

"So, I just wanted to say thank you." I gushed awkwardly. Hey, I'm not used to saying thank you, sue me.

"For what?"

"Last night." I mumbled.

"Oh, you're welcome. Anytime you need me just ask." He smiled up at me. Gods, his smile was beautiful. I mean, like, total no homo, or whatever. It's not like I was falling for him or homo?

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