Chapter 13

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I hate this place already.

As soon as I walked in those wretched doors three days ago, I knew I would hate it. I had absolutely no power here! Back at Blueman at least people would listen to me, but here they just shrug me off, blaming everything on my schizophrenia.

The bastards.

Now I have to deal with being the "new kid" and the relentless taunting of the other patients. However, after more than a few sassy comebacks, most of them learned to just leave me the fuck alone.

But there's always that one guy that decides to keep going, and that guy is Bert Mc-fucking-Cracken. Well his last name is McCracken, but that fucking in the middle just seems so appropriate when it comes to describing this douchebag.

"Hey, Oreo! How's Luna doing? She keeping you awake at night? I know she is, and you wanna know how I know? Your giant ass bags under your eyes!" Bert just fucking loses his shit and his own joke, doubling over in laughter, wiping the damn tears from his eyes.

"Oh, very funny, Bert! I almost pissed myself just now! Oh and by the way, they contacted me last night and told me to tell you that they're on their way. They said that you should start preparing yourself for the torture they're about to inflict on you." I smiled and walked away, my heart feeling a little heavy at the cry of complete and utter horror that had escaped from Bert's mouth.

I know I shouldn't have told him that, I know first hand what it's like to have schozophrenia, but he shouldn't have teased me about my own case of the damn illness.

But the worst part about this place? No Gerard. At all. I don't have anything to remind myself that he was even real, and trust me, Luna was dong everything in her power to convince me otherwise. It sucks major balls. But that's why I'm going to get better. I have to get better. For Gerard. I have to leave this place as soon as possible.

'Leave this place for what? Somebody who was too good to be true? Somebody who even if real, which they aren't, would be way too good for you? Just give up, Oreo.'

"Shut up, okay! He's real, I know he is, he has to be..."

"Frank, can I talk to you for a minute?" My self-convincing was cut short by the fucking bitch of this place. Dr. Bunting was probably worse than Portman only because she was way to peppy and cheery for working in a mental hospital. I swear, she's some sort of sadist.

"It's not like I have anything else to do." I sigh, dragging my feet the entire way to her office.

"So, you've been here for three days, correct?" She asked me as soon as we were both settled in our chairs.


"And we haven't prescribed you any new medications since you've gotten here, correct?"


"Do you know why that is?"

"Because you guys don't have what I need so I should move right back into Blueman immediately?" Alright, so maybe that was slightly pushing it, but honestly, can you blame me?

Anyways, she didn't look too happy with that comment.

"No, the reason is because we were waiting for you to get settled in a comfortable environment before we started you in anything. Are you settled in here?"

"Absolutely fucking not."

"Language, Frank!" She gasped, looking absolutely offended.

"Shit, sorry!" I couldn't help the smug grin that took over my face, alright, it was totally involuntary.

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