Chapter 6

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We stayed in each other's arms until Patrick knocked on the door, notifying us that it was lunch time. I basically told him that we'll be there in a minute so to fuck off. He just sighed from the other side, probably muttering about manners or some shit as he made his way down the hall to the other patients.

Gerard chuckled a little before sitting up and wiping his eyes. He looked even more beautiful than before, if that was at all possible.

"You coming?" He asked, already at the door. Damn it, I was stuck in my head again.

Well that makes two of us, faggot. Luna sneered.

Fuck off! You know how I hate that word! I yell back at her, inside my head of course.

Still in the closet, are we? Or are we still in the denial phase? Or maybe the 'if I ignore it and repress it enough it will go away' phase?

I ignored her, knowing that her words rang with some truth. I promised myself that I would never openly say that I liked someone in that way after what happened last time.

But, damnit, Gerard was making it hard for me to keep that promise with his perfect face and hair and piercing hazel eyes and amazing personality...

"Dude, you okay?" Gerard cut me short, well shorter than I already was, I guess.

I stopped walking just as I was about to run into the wall next to the cafeteria door.

"Yeah...yeah, sorry, I'm just a little off right now." I shook my head, willing her to shut up.

"If it's about what I said earlier, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, like, bother you with my problems, or anything! I'm so sor-" He burst out at supersonic speed, leaving me to just barely be able to interrupt him.

"What? No no no, it's not you at all! It's just, ya know, she won't shut up is all. It can be kinda distracting." I shrugged, embarrassed, as we sat down at our table with our helpings of chicken noodle soup.

"Oh." Was all he said before looking down at his soup.


Later, during our next recreational period, Gerard and I found ourselves lying down underneath this big oak tree that's in the courtyard. We were cloud gazing, loving just being in each other's presence. I had only felt this at peace with someone in silence once, and that turned out horribly, but lying here next to Gerard, I couldn't help but feel a special connection to him. Just his presence had this sort of soothing affect over me, making everything inside my head feel sort of calm, which is an extreme rarity for me.

As I looked over at him and watched his eyes flick over the clouds, I couldn't help but feel a semi-familiar pull at my heart. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of okay-ness wash over me. And as he turned his head and looked at me, and as he smiled a genuine smile that I had only ever seen once when I told him that I could never stay mad at him on the way to Doc's office oh so long ago, I couldn't help but feel like everything in the universe was okay, even if it was for the split second of eye contact we made.

And as I looked deeper into his enticing hazel eyes, I couldn't help but think of how deep in shit I was because I realized just how beautiful Gerard was, inside and out, and how I potentially, maybe, kind of had a serious crush on him.


Tonight was an especially bad night.

I knew it was going to be though, because she hadn't shut up all damn day.

I kept seeing her shadow flicker here and there, or I think her form will appear walking out of the corner next to Gerard's bed.

What if I were to just peek into his head for a second, just to say hello. I bet he'll be a very easy target to mess with, especially with his past. If I could almost make you kill yourself, I could undoubtedly make him do it. I could practically see her smirking her stupid, little face off at the thought of messing with Gerard.

Stay the fuck away from him! I tried to sound angry and menacing, but probably only sounded desperate and pathetic.

Aww, protecting your precious little boyfriend? How heroic! If you weren't such a pansy I might actually feel threatened! She mocked me.

I just rolled over, burying my face into my pillow and crying, not wanting to wake Gerard up. I didn't want to bother him with my patheticness.

Suddenly I felt my covers lift up and a body shift into bed with me. I tensed up, making a small whimpering sound, thinking that it was Luna touching me.

"Shh shh, it's okay. You're okay." I heard a familiar voice coo behind me. I melted my back into Gerard's chest, all fear disappearing immediately from my body.

He turned me so that I could bury my face into his chest, which I obliged quite happily. He kept soothing me and petting my hair as I cried into his chest.

About ten minutes later, I had managed to calm down enough so that I only sniffled every now and then.

After I had calmed down completely, Gerard asked me, "Are you feeling better?"

I nodded but quickly begged, "Please don't leave me." It came out as barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear me.

"I'll never leave you, Frankie. I promise."

"Thank you, Gee." He just nodded, then began singing Asleep by The Smiths while pulling me closer.

As I snuggled closer to him, one last thought ran through my head before sleep overtook me: I loved Gerard more than anything else in this world, and I wouldn't let anyone take him away from me.

A/N: Hey my lovelies! So I have more or less planned out the rest of this fanfic. So there will 18-20 chapters, all about this length. I know how it's going to end and what each chapter will be about. This is going to be a really short fanfic, but I'm going to start a new one after this that I am really looking forward to, so stay tuned for that. I have also updated my other fanfic, so that's a thing. And...that's about it! Thank you guys for almost 200 reads that awesome! Have an amazing day/night!!

Till next time,

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