Chapter 24

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Aura's P.O.V.

"How is this happening? We put out a call inviting refugees to come back home and Unicron is the first in line." said Arcee. "Not to mention those Predacons." added Bulkhead. "What have we come home to?!" "This is just seriously twisted!" I stated still trying to piece all these events together. "What are we suppose to call him now? Megacron? Unitron?" asked Smokescreen. Me and Arcee gave him a 'What The Heck' look and placed our hands on our hips. "Really? That's your biggest issue right now?!" asked Arcee. "Right, right, right, sorry." replied Smokescreen. "Alright what's the game plan?" We watched as Bumblebee walked over to the computer console and a comlink image of Optimus came up on the screen. "Calling Optimus?" I asked. "But he and Wheeljack are still looking for the Allspark." "While Unicron may have a mortal form, he is still a god. And thus, cannot be defeated by customary means." explained Ratchet.

"Optimus, Wheeljack, this is Bumblebee. We have an urgent situation. Optimus can you hear me?" asked Bumblebee through the com-link. Precious seconds passed and there was no answer. I walked over to Bumblebee's side and tried reconfiguring the connection. "Optimus do you copy? Please, come in! Wheeljack?" Bumblebee tried again. "Something's wrong. They aren't replying back." I said. After a few more seconds there still wasn't a reply. "Nothing." said Bumblebee in dissapointment. "Bumblebee you have your voice back. Now is not the time to go radio silent. Let me try." replied Arcee. She connected her comlink to the system and spoke. "Optimus, Wheeljack, in the event that you can hear us, Unicron has found his way back to Cybertron. Repeat, the chaos bringer is here on our home. In possession of Megatron's body."

"So what now? I mean, besides hoping Optimus and Jackie got the message." asked Bulkhead. "We figure out why Unicron is here." answered Arcee. "And what he wants." added Bumblebee. "My best guess is he wants to take over Cybertron." guessed Aura. "He's tried it once way back when the original 13 were around, what's to stop him from trying to do so again?" "He way not want to take over Cybertron Aura, but to destroy the spark at our planet. His arch enemy, Primus." corrected Ratchet. "But that's our planets core!" stated Smokescreen. "It isn't fair! How many more times do we have to save a world?! Or have to fight for the survival of our home?!" asked Arcee with a sadness edge in her voice. "Incredibly the war between creation and destruction is an eternal one." answered Ratchet. "Good vs. Evil, Order and Chaos, one victorious and the other vanquished. Each forming the core of their own separate worlds. Primus and Cybertron, and Unicron and Earth. And now the darkness has followed us all the way home."


"How's my father doing?" I asked. I'd followed Ratchet back to the medical bay to check on my father, Ultra Magnus. "His vitals are improving. He will be back on his feet in good time." answered Ratchet. "Exactly how long is good time?" asked a male voice. The both of us looked behind us to see Bumblebee enter the room. "because with Optimus missing in action, we could really use Ultra Magnus's council." "Bumblebee, we have each been witnessed to those among us who have risen above their station, time and again. Wreakers, scouts, even field medics. The Chaos Bringer is growing stronger with every step. And now more than ever before we cannot afford to wait for salvation." replied Ratchet. "I'll take over the council bit for now 'Bee. What's your plan?" I asked.

"We'll launch an attack on Darkmount. Lets hope Unicron is still there." answered Bumblebee. "Let's hope so. Since we left him to dry he could be anywhere on Cybertron." I said. All of a sudden Ratchet's medic computer started going oof. He turned around and walked back over to it. "or, perhaps we could locate him." said Ratchet. "In the event that he is not."


"I recommend that we utilize the ships operating system to search for Megatron's life signal." said Ratchet. He, me, Bumblebee and the others walked into the command center and walked down towards the main computer at the end of the room. "Doc, you mean that remodel who kicked our tail pipes?" asked Bulkhead. "That may have looked and sounded like old bucket-head but it wasn't him." "That much I know. But even if a fraction of Megatrons spark is still flickering in that body, the ships scanners will pick it up." explained Ratchet.  

As a few minutes passed by, which to me felt like forever, the scanner finally detected something. "It's Megatron's life signal!" said Ratchet. "So somewhere inside that new body armour, he's still alive?!" asked Arcee. "That's insane!" I stated. "He's perished and returned before. This event occurred because of the life blood of Unicron." answered Ratchet. "Dark energon." I said. "The coordinates indicate that he left Darkmount." said Bumblebee. "I'm triangulating his location now." replied Ratchet. He typed in some things on the computer, and the scanner beeped again. "Hey! We were there earlier today!" said Bumblebee.

"Predakings refuge?" asked Arcee. "Unicron is retracing our steps?!" asked Bulkhead in fear. "Whoa, wait, what in Alpha Trions beard is that?!" asked Smokescreen. He pointed to the screen which seemd to pick up a huge energy reading. "Given that we are dealing with Unicron himself, the energy mass could be only one thing. Dark energon." said Ratchet. "But for what purpose?" "What is the one thing that Dark Energon is used for? Raising the dead that's what!" I stated. "that's where we found all those Predacon bones." said Bumblebee. "Unicrons raising an undead army!" replied Arcee. "Called it!" yelled Aura. "One currently traveling across the Hydrax Platue, towards the Well of Allsparks! The most direct route to Primus!" said Ratchet. "Oooooh scrap." cursed Aura.

"Unicron clearly seeks to access Cybertrons core, through the same point of entry in which we used to restore it." said Ratchet. "No doubt having intension to undue everything we've done." replied Arcee. "So what do we do?" asked Bulkhead. "We put ourselves between Unicrons army and the Well." answered Bumblebee. We all looked at the newly made warrior with shocked looks on our faces. After doing some thinking, I stepped in to take Bumblebee's side. "he's right. Our strongest assets are this war ship and what ever relics are stored in the vault." I said. "Last time I checked there was just the Polarity Gauntlet, and the Immobilizer." spoke up Smokescreen. "Hopefully the genuine article this time." said Arcee. "Smokescreen." I looked at him with a node. "I'll round up the secret weapons." said Smokescreen with a smile as he left the room.

"Bulkhead, can you pilot the ship?" asked Bumblebee. "Decepticon engineering, user friendly right?" answered Bulkhead with a smirk. "Racthet, you've given your all this save this world once already." said Bumblebee as he looked at the medic.


We dropped off Ratchet and Ultra Magnus at a docking bay then Bulkhead directed the ship towards the Well of Allsparks. It was time to take the fight to Unicron.   

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