Chapter 15

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Back at the Autobot base, Soundwave was cuffed on a medic bed. The Autobots gathered around the medical bay as Optimus stood in front of Soundwave Witt Ratchet by his side. Aura watched as Soundwave struggled to get free of the cuffs, but no luck. "Because of our bases shielding, our captive will be unable to send his current coordinates to the Decepticon warship." explained Ratchet. "Nor will they be able to pin-point his location." added Optimus. "Guess we have all the time in the world to make mister personality here tell us everything he knows!" said Wheeljack. "Question is, will he spill the beans?" said Aura. "The 'Cons surveillance chief must know a lot." said Jack. "A lot? He knows everything!" stated Cole. "But, Soundwave doesn't speak. Does he?" asked Miko. "I'm not even sure he has a face." added Raf. "He does talk." said Aura. "He does?!" asked Cole in shock. "Yep. Before the war he did, but ever since he allied himself to the Decepticon cause, he's taken a vow of silence. No ones heard him speak ever since." explained Aura.

"Why is Megatron stealing human technology? What is he attempting to build?" asked Optimus. Soundwave replied by remixing Optimus's question. Everything from repeating words to retuning Prime's voice. "Whoa! Optimus Prime the remix!" said Miko. "This guy has guts." thought Aura. Then Soundwave's screen lit up and projected a purple smiley face. Bulkhead got angry and transformed his hand into a wreaking ball. "Oh yeah, why don't I wipe that smile right off his face?" taunted Bulkhead. "Soundwave, we have treated you fairly. For the sake of the natives of this planet, tell us what Megatron is attempting to build." said Optimus "Before we are forced to relie on less sivel methods of interrogation." All of a sudden Soundwave played a high pitch noises and everyone covered their audio sensors. It lasted for a couple seconds, but finally it stopped. "Scrap this! Soundwave is no ordinary Cybertronian. Inside or out! So I would strongly suggest opening him up! So we can have a first look at the information recorded inside his drive." suggested Ratchet. All of a sudden, red Cybertronian symbols appeared on Soundwave's visor. "Uh oh." said Arcee. "Alright! He's downloading data!" cheered Bulkhead. "Not think so Bulk'." replied Aura. "Soundwave is erasing data!" stated Ratchet. The Autobots and humans watched as the data disappeared from his visor. The screen turned black and Soundwave lifted up his face and looked up at the Autobots. He did something he hadn't done in a long time. "Soundwave superior. Autobots inferior." said Soundwave. Everyone had shocked looks on their faces as Soundwave powered down. "Is he?" asked Bulkhead nervously. Ratchet brought out his scanner and checked on the prisoner. "His vital signs remain functional. It seems he has turned off all communication links, but crashing his own drive." explained Ratchet.

The next day.....

"Prime! These 'Con hiests have general Bryce breathing down my neck! So I gotta get back to the barbeque today and get grilling." said Fowler through the comlink. "Understood Agent Fowler. And rest assured, should our prisoner return online we will continue the interrogation." replied Optimus."Sounds like a plan. I'll get back to base as soon as possible." said Fowler. "Safe drive Fowler." replied Aura.

Later that night....

"I'm on my way back to base. But I just got a call saying that the 'Cons are breaking in to the Poloarus observatory in the South Pole." said Fowler. "Autobots! Roll out!" ordered Optimus. As the Autobots got ready, Ratchet stopped Ultra Magnus. "Ah, ah, ah!" warned Ratchet. "Doc, the commander's ready." ensured Wheeljack. Ratchet thought about it for a moment, then walked to the ground bridge controls. "Fine, fine." replied Ratchet. "Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Aura, remain here with Ratchet to guard our prisoner. Everyone else, transform and roll out!" ordered Optimus. Ratchet opened up the ground bridge and one by one of the selected Autobots transformed and drove through the bridge. "Wheeljack." said Aura. Wheeljack stopped and turned around to face the Cybertronian Princess. "Make sure he's safe." said Aura. "I will Aura." replied Wheeljack with a smile. The wreaker transformed into his vehicle mode and was the last one to leave the base as the ground bridge closed.

"Can't we throw a tarp over him? He's creeping me out!" said Bulkhead. "Yeah, your telling me. I've never been this close to him without sudden impact." replied Aura. "Yeah it's like he's watching. No matter where you go." said Smokescreen as he moved around. "Will the three of you stop focusing on Soundwave, and stop focusing on whether he can or cannot see! And help me figure out what Soundwave won't tell!" stated Ratchet. "Sorry Ratchet. So, like what?" asked Aura. "Like how Megatron would be interested in gaining so much power to generate the power to create, a black hole." answered Ratchet. "Black holes? So, Megatron is looking to destroy the known universe." said Smokescreen. "And everything in it." added Bulkhead. "No! No!" complained Ratchet. "That does kinda sound far fetched." said Aura. "He merely would want to harness the power of something capable of swallowing worlds. In order to.... Create on." stated Ratchet. "This, is not good." said Aura.

"Optimus, I know this hardly seems the time. But it might help you in your mission." said Aura through the comlink. "Go ahead Aura." replied Optimus. "We think Ratchet's figured out Megatron's plan. Tell him Ratch'!" explained Aura. "I believe that Megatron may be attempting to rebuild the Omega Lock!" stated Ratchet. "Do we let him?" asked Aura. "No. For you know as well as I that Megatron will use the reconstructed Omega Lock to cyber-form Earth and Cybertron. And that is one abussive power that we cannot allow." explained Optimus. "Understood." replied Ratchet with a dissapointing sigh. Aura turned off the transmission and looked at the medic. "Don't worry Ratchet. We'll find a way to bring back Cybertron." comforted Aura.

"Ratchet, it may not be with the forge or the Omega Lock. But we're gonna find a way to get our planet repaired." said Smokescreen. As Fowler entered the base through his office door, there was a smashing noise coming from one of the windows. The remaining Autobots looked up to see Laserbeak flying around inside their base. "Oh no!" said Ratchet. "Shot it down! Now!" ordered Aura. Before the 'Bots could take out their weapons, Laserbeak fired at them, making them stay on the ground as he blasted off Soundwave's wriststriants. Smokescreen managed to shot at the flying drone, and blast a piece of its wing off. Laserbeak swooped down, ramming into the Elite Guardsman, and flying past Ratchet and Aura. The Autobots fired back at the spy, but to no cigar. Laserbeak attached himself back to Soundwave's chest and the communications officer woke up. Bulkhead and Smokescreen charged at the Decepticon, but Soundwave dodged and counter attacked against them, shocking the boys with electrical shots from his tentacles. Fowler tried to hit him with a fire extinguisher but Shockwave just flicked him like a bug. Aura got into a defensive stance in front of Ratchet and she brought out her energon daggers. "Your gonna have to go through me!" said Aura. Soundwave launched his tentacles at her, and Aura tried slicing them but missed and she was wrapped around tightly by the tentacles and got shocked. She was released abs she fell lifelessly to the ground. The last thing Aura saw before blacking out was Soubdwave walking towards Ratchet.

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