Chapter 7

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"Aura! Aura wake up!" called out a voice. Aura slowly opened her eyes to see Cole, her human brother looking down at her, nudging her arm to wake her up. She looked over at the alarm clock and it was 8:30 in the morning. "Cole? What's up?" asked Aura. "Uncle Will said its time to get ready now. The others are waiting for us at the cafeteria." explained Cole. "Alright." replyed Aura. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She washed her faced, brushed her teeth, and brushed her hair. "Huh, haven't done that in a while." thought Aura. Once she was done she walked out of the bathroom to see Cole listening to Radio Disney on the radio. "Sis, why are you still in your pyjamas?" asked Cole. Cole was now wearing a red t-shirt, jean shorts, black sneakers and a blue baseball cap. "Relax Cole, I got this." replyed Aura. She activated her wrist communicator and searched through different kinds of clothes. She decided her look, then hits a green button. A blue circle flashes around her, transforming her pyjamas into her clothes. She was wearing a pink Disney cap with a pony tail, a dark pink tank top, jean capreas, and white flip flops. "Ok I'm ready." said Aura. Cole was just looking at her with his mouth wide open in shock. "I want one of those!" stated Cole as he pointed at the watch. "Well, maybe when we get back home, if you ask Ratchet nicely, he might make you one. Now come on, we're already late as it is!" replyed Cole as she and Cole left their hotel room and ran through the pool area and into the cafeteria.

Aura and Cole each got their breakfast and went through the checkout. Aura was having Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, a banana, and apple juice. Cole was having a breakfeast burrito, and milk. They met up with the others who were sitting across from a big TV that's attached to the wall on the far right of the cafeteria. On the screen, they were showing classic Disney cartoons. "Hey guys! What took ya?" asked Miko. "Sorry we're late, but I couldn't get Princess here, out of bed!" answered Cole with a grin on his face as he and Aura sat down. "Well, excuse me! You try sleeping in!" I mocked in reply. "So, what's the game plan?" asked Bulkhead. "What it's always been! It's practically a tradition here, that the first park you go to is the magic kingdom!" said Cole. "Why's that?" asked Smokescreen. "It was the first Disney park to open. Plus it has some of the best rides ever!" answered Raf. Just then Agent Fowler came walking back to the group. "Good news, there's a bus going to the magic kingdom arriving in 15 minutes, if we hurry we can get in line before it gets to choatic." said Fowler. "Too choatic?" asked Optimus. "Trust me when I tell you big guy, it's a mad house over there!" said Aura. "Then let's get going!" said Raf.

"We're here guys! Magic Kingdom!" cheered Miko. Everyone got off and walked through the front gate and security checks. At the entrance there was a flower garden in the middle, a lady and the tramp themed restaurant and the left was the train. "Let's get this show on the road!" cheered Smokescreen. "So where to first guys?" asked Bulkhead. "Well, normally we would start by walking down Main Street. The entire street is covered with gift and candy shops!" explained Cole. "They have the best caramel covered apples here! You wanna try one Bee?" asked Raf. "Beep! 'Sure!'" answered Bumblebee. "Whoa!" said Aura with a shocked look while Bulkhead covered Bumblebee's mouth with his hand. "Let's just stick to nodding from now on." said Wheeljack. Bumblebee nodded in agreement and Bulkhead moved his head away. "I'll go with them. We'll meet the rest of you at the end of the street!" said June as she tagged along with Raf and Bumblebee. "Come on you guys! Let's take a look around!" said Aura. The rest of them walked down Main Street looking around in all of the gift shops they could find. They finally made it to the end, meeting Raf, Bumblebee, and June, where a play was going on at the castle. "What's going on here?" asked Smokescreen. "It's a play. See that mouse in the middle? That's Mickey Mouse, the lead mascot of Disney." answered Cole. "They put on a lot of shows like this." said Jack. They all decided to stay and watch the end of the show. It was about Mickey and friends throwing a party and three of the Disney Princesses and their Princes were invited. They had Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. "Hey Aura, how come you aren't up there?" joked Wheeljack. "Ha, ha, funny." replyed Aura sarcastically while nudging Wheeljack in the arm.

After the play was over, they went on some rides. They went on the pirates of the Carribean boat ride, splash mountain, space mountain, small world, and buzz lighter space ranger quest. As they were walking down one of the pathways, one ride caught Miko's eye. "Oh! The Haunted Mansion! Let's go on that one!" cheered Miko. "Hey Miko! Bet you can't get through the entire ride without screaming?" bet Bulkhead. "Your on!" replyed Miko. "I'm up for the challenge." said Wheeljack. "Count me in too!" added Smokescreen "What about you guys?" "Oh, I think I need a quick break from the rides." said Fowler as he sat on a bunch. "You guys go on ahead, we'll be waiting for you right here." said June. "Come on guys!" cheered Miko as she grabbed a hold of Bulkhead and Wheeljack's hands, and dragged them to the entrance. "Hey Aura? You want in on this action?" asked Smokescreen. "Nah, I'm good." answered Aura nervously. "You sure?" asked Smokescreen. Aura nodded in reply. "Alright. Hey Wheeljack! Wait up!" called out Smokescreen as he ran after him. "What's wrong Aura? Don't you want to join them?" asked Optimus. "I do Optimus. It's just that....." began Aura. "She's scared that's why!" interrupted Cole. Aura punched her human brother in the arm. "Ow!" yelled Cole "What?! It's true!" "Aura, would you feel better if I went on the ride with you?" asked Optimus. "You, would do that for me?" asked Aura. "I would, and I will." answered Optimus. "Oh! Alright, sure!" replyed Aura "Fowler, me and Optimus are going to join the others." "Alright, have fun." replyed Fowler with a smile. Aura and Optimus managed to catch up with Miko, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Smokescreen half way through the line up. All along the outside the mansion was covered with prop tombstones and statues of different people who went to the mansion. They all made it inside into a circle shaped room with now windows on the walls. Just candles and four paintings. "Everyone stay clear of the door! You should only be in here for about 5 minutes, then the doors will open again, and you may proceed to the ride." said the employee. The giant door closed and everyone was looking around until a voice came on. "Welcome mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your ghost host. Your tour begins here in the gallery. In here you'll see paintings of some of our past guests, as they appear in their horid mortal form." said a spooky deep voice. "Ready to crack yet Aura?" whispered Miko. "Of course not! We're not even officially on the ride yet!" Aura whispered back. "There is no turning back now. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" said the ghost voice. All of a sudden, the walls began to stretch, becoming bigger and bigger, revealingmore to the paintings. "Are the walls, stretching?!" asked Wheeljack. "Yep. Yep they are." answered Smokescreen. "With no windows and no doors, this offers you this thrilling challenge! To find a way out! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" added the ghost voice "Of course, there's always my way." Then the lights went out and there were a couple screams, mostly made by little kids, and the ceiling of the room, lite up in a greenish colour and there was a high pitch girl scream, and then the lights came back on. "Oh I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely." said the ghost voice "The real chills come later."

The doors opened again and everyone proceeded down a hallway covered with more old paintings. Every time the lightning would go off, the flash would make the paintings turn from humans to skeletons. "Creepy." said Aura. Then they all entered a room where you could get in the carts and be driven into the ride. Miko and Bulkhead went on first, then Wheeljack and Smokescreen, and finally Aura and Optimus. "Are you ready?" asked Optimus. "Ready as I'll ever be." answered Aura. The carts passed through a hallway, and a library where the head statues lite up and some of the books flew off the shelves. "That's not so bad." said Aura. As the cart went through a hallway, to the left was a coffin covered with flowers with a zombie turning to push the door off. "Ok! That's freaky!" said Aura. Optimus took her hand and gave her a comforting smile. "I got you, Aura." said Optimus. Aura smiled at him and nodded. (I'm skipping a few of the stuff to make this chapter not to long). Then the carts proceeded into a fortune telling room. The fortune teller was a floating crystal ball with a woman's head inside. "Call in the spirits! Sound the bell!" said the ghost. Then a bell sounded and a bunch of spiders hanging on wires came down from the ceiling. There were a bunch of screams from all around the room. "Ah! Spiders!" yelled Aura as she ducked down and buried her face in Optimus's chest. Optimus wrapped her arms around her and patted her on the back. "I'm here Aura. I'm here. I don't think you should be scared." said Optimus. "Why?" asked Aura. All of a sudden there was a high pitch girl scream coming from 2 carts infront of them. "Was that... Miko?" asked Aura in diss belief. "Yes it was." answered Optimus with a smile. "Aura! You won the bet!" called out Smokescreen. "Yes! In your face Miko!" cheered Aura. After the ride was over, the gang got some dinner and a couple autographs and photos from the characters and watched the fireworks. "Beat vacation ever!" cheered Cole. "So where are we going tomorrow?" asked Jack. "We are heading to Epcot!" answered June. "What's that?" asked Arcee. "It's when you walk around and check out different countries around the world! It's really cool!" said Aura. "Hey guys! The finale is coming up!" said Miko. The entire sky lite up with fire and light with 'when you wish upon a star' playing in the background. "Best, day, ever!" thought Aura.

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